Examples are call setup time, TPS etc.
Examples are call setup time, TPS etc. This may be taken from requirements book.
For the call setup time requirement, the tool is run under various load conditions and different setups and measurements are noted down.
After thorough analysis of the Cisco's IP-based Lawful Interception architecture and combined with SIP call setup flow, it is introduced into the NGN.
SIP supports five facets of establishing and terminating multimedia communications: user location, capabilities and availability, call setup and call handling.
SIP is currently the basic signaling and call setup protocol for IP telephony, and SIP applications are the basic way to provide voice and other multimedia services over IP.
In reference to the call setup time requirement, the tools and scripts required for generating the load level and also for measuring the setup time are developed in this phase.
Channelization code management can increase the throughput, decrease the blocking probability of call setup requests, and reduce the signal Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in 3g systems.
Signaling messages such as supervisory messages for call setup, query and reply and traffic control, will be routed through the signaling links from one SS7 node to another SS7 node in the network.
可通过信令链路将 信令消息,比如用于呼叫建立、查询和应答监控消息以及话务量控制,从网络中的一个SS7节点路由到另一个 SS7 节点。
Listing 2 shows the code for the setup and call.
At this point, the change to the pipeline setup is simple enough: a call to add a probe to one of the output pads of the tee filter.
Internal to the setup function, there's a call to kzalloc (which allocates kernel memory and zeroes it).
We call the APACHE installation folder APACHE_HOME (this is c: \ IBM \ axis for our setup, but yours might vary).
我们称APACHE安装文件夹为APACHE_HOME(对于我们的安装,它是c: \ \IBM \ \axis,不过您的目录可能有所不同)。
They will each need to call a common setup routine just to get Firefox running before they can commence their own particular test.
That single call to setup will connect to the database, set up a single class for each table, and cause those classes to inherit from Maypole: : Model: : CDBI.
对setup的专门调用将连接到数据库,为每个表设置一个类,然后让那些类去继承Maypole:Model: CDBI。
Here, DBWriter is the interface class. There is no requirement to call the DBWriter setUp method because the EntityManager will be directly injected into the bundle.
With professional communication user constantly requiring more quickly setup a call, more reliability and more security, Trunking system complexity and business functions constantly increase.
With professional communication user constantly requiring more quickly setup a call, more reliability and more security, Trunking system complexity and business functions constantly increase.