I think it'll depend on what type of work you do in the excavation, but I imagine we can arrange something.
You can find one type of the Spartina, Saltmarsh Cordgrass, growing in low marsh areas.
You can be the honest type negotiator who's known to his partners in negotiation and always plays everything straight.
In short, you can mediate just about any type of destination in the service integration bus.
In these files, you can set the type used to create the CMIS folder or document.
在这些文件中,您可以设置用于创建CM IS文件夹或者文档的类型。
You can see that every subelement, attribute, and type in Listing 8 is defined locally.
Although not covered in this tip, you can also use type definitions in association with global and local element declarations to improve the readability of your schemas.
Clicking the Add button next to the parameter list brings up a Create parameter dialog, where you can type in the name, type, and dimension of the parameter.
A window pops up, in which you can type the name of any class in your workspace (see Figure 8).
The video also features an unusual type of plant in several scenes — can you identify it?
Fortunately, you can type in the text field at the top to filter the giant tree of options.
A search field will display where you can type in a product name, part Numbers, machine type, or any other search value.
After you have defined the product type hierarchy, you can then define the data you wish to capture for each type in the hierarchy.
With a simple script, you can set your PC up to start loading your desktop before you even type in your password.
You can get the parent type from the resource hierarchy in the Admin Console.
You can type the statements directly in the DB-Access text entry screen, or you can use your preferred editor.
您可以在DB - Access文本输入界面中直接输入语句,或使用您喜欢的编辑器输入语句。
No - it provides a text field where you can type in the book's title, author, or even the International Standard book Number (ISBN) if you are so inclined.
没有—它提供了一个文本字段,您可以在其中输入图书的标题、作者,如果您喜欢,甚至还可以输入国际标准图书编号(International StandardBook Number,ISBN)。
For instance if you’re a dentist looking for an on online forum, you can type this in Google : “oral care + forum”. Google will then give you a list of for a where oral care is being discussed.
Once you type i or a, you can entertext. Esc puts you back in command mode where you can type
Listing 3 defines a string named value that the annotation type can accept. You then use the annotation type as in Listing 4.
In XPath 2.0 (and dependent XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0), you can now search by type in your queries.
而在XPath 2.0(以及相关的XSLT 2.0和XQurey 1.0中),你可以在查询中根据类型搜索。
If you have an existing collection for the current diagram type, you can put this analytic in that by choosing the second option.
When prompted, you can type in your query statement directly or use the wizards to help you create one.
Or you can type the shortcut letter in uppercase for the name of the option that you want to select.
You can see the type substitution code in action in the output at the bottom of Listing 6 (restructured slightly for formatting).
Note, if you already have a module you wrote, you can also just type in and run it to get the same exact result.
If GRUB fails to load, you can manually type in the commands required to boot your system.
By clicking the appropriate button each time you see a card of a specific type, you can adjust what's left in the deck.
You can create a table with structured type columns in the same way that you would create a table using only DB2 built-in data types.
您可以用同样方式使用结构化类型列创建表,也可以只使用DB 2内置数据类型创建一个表。
Now you will see how TAMOS can help you in the type of situation outlined above by preventing users from removing the containers, and thereby securing your system against potential data loss.
现在您将看到TAMOS 如何帮助您在上述情形下防止用户删除容器,从而保护系统免于潜在的数据丢失。