Cantabile years of time walking and cadence.
Ludwig Van Beethoven. Adagio Cantabile From Sonata No 8 Op 13.
Cantabile youth, as well as and flow, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous.
Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor , Op . 13 , Pathetique : Adagio cantabile .
小调第八“悲怆”钢琴奏鸣曲,作品13—— 如歌的柔板乐章。
Youth who did not, who did not love, but we have our youth has gone cantabile.
This is the beautiful Cantabile Sketchpad, for your presence posture hyperchromic Tim!
From the outset, Chopin incorporated the singing or cantabile style into almost all of his piano compositions.
From the outset, Chopin incorporated the singing or cantabile style into almost all of his piano compositions.
University of the distant, distant homeland, I am in the middle of the shuttle, and if the cause of action Cantabile.
University of the distant, distant homeland, I am in the middle of the shuttle, and if the cause of action Cantabile.
The cantabile bowed instruments, the tempo master percussion instruments and the atmosphere-building wind instruments working together are capable of producing music of various styles.
具有歌唱性的悠扬多情的拉弦乐器, 铿锵有力、表现节奏的打击乐器和擅长烘托气氛的吹奏乐器, 配合在一起,可以演奏出多种风格的伴奏乐曲。
The cantabile bowed instruments, the tempo master percussion instruments and the atmosphere-building wind instruments working together are capable of producing music of various styles.
具有歌唱性的悠扬多情的拉弦乐器, 铿锵有力、表现节奏的打击乐器和擅长烘托气氛的吹奏乐器, 配合在一起,可以演奏出多种风格的伴奏乐曲。