Large up-front capital commitment and a well-in-advance planning process are required to procure the infrastructure in advance.
The price at which Apple will be able to procure these panels will be lower than expected as the capital commitment by Apple likely necessitates below market pricing in our view.
Many franchises are designed to provide a very nice income to the franchisee, commensurate with the level of capital and time commitment the franchisee invests in the business.
The Primus-led group failed to convince the regulator it had the financial capability “to ensure future capital expansion and a long-term commitment to operate the business,” Wu said.
The advocacy work I have undertaken over the past several years has not included an overwhelming amount of commitment to opposing capital punishment.
There is always a place in the world for those who are willing to give of their time, energy, capital, creativity, and commitment.
The Primus-led group failed to convince the regulator it had the financial capability "to ensure future capital expansion and a long-term commitment to operate the business, " Wu said.
"You rarely see any discussion about the commitment of capital and what the returns on that capital are," he says.
Quality is our capital, credibility is our commitment. Welcome in Stones friends to visit our company, and collaboration.
So these funds should be forced to make a choice: keep the commitment to pay up and set aside capital and insurance funds (like banks have to do);
To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty;
To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty;