Most imports into Korea are raw materials and capital goods.
Capital goods are used to facilitate the production of consumer goods.
Approximately two-thirds of the income derived from this total output is paid out to workers as wages and salaries, the remaining third serving as compensation to the owners of the capital goods.
In modern economies about one-third of the total output of consumer goods is attributable to the use of capital goods.
It takes no account of the depreciation of capital goods.
Business booms for builders and producers of capital goods.
Small producers of niche capital goods have also seen a surge in orders.
Who produces these machines, computers, and capital goods that are newly demanded?
Imports, especially of capital goods, also play their part in Australia's exporting success.
A strong real has many benefits. It helps to keep inflation low and boosts imports of capital goods.
A jump in foreign orders for German capital goods in September is a sign that export demand is returning.
New poles of growth can be customers for the capital goods, services, and technology of developed countries.
Orders for capital goods, excluding aircraft and defence, fell by 5.1% in October, the first drop in six months.
Some countries, such as Germany and Sweden, make lots of money selling machine tools and other capital goods to China.
Germany's woes owe much to cooling demand for the machine-tools, heavy equipment and other capital goods it churns out.
Some of it is a lagged effect of the resurgence in worldwide demand for capital goods, which Germany happens to produce.
UBS notes that capital goods companies were not performing as well as the rest of the market when they beat earnings estimates.
Production of goods ready for consumption requires the use of capital goods, that is, of tools and of half-finished material.
This has pulled along leading producers of capital goods, like Germany, whose exports grew by a healthy 3.3% in the three months to September
This has pulled along leading producers of capital goods, like Germany, whose exports grew by a healthy 3.3% in the three months to September.
This is necessary because some of the industries are capital asset intensive with substantial depreciation, such as capital goods manufacturers.
这些工具是必要的:资本密集型(capital - intensive)行业,例如资本性产品生产商,经常会遇到大额折旧问题。
He adds that core capital goods tend to be seasonally weak in the first month after the quarter, due to excess seasonality in the machinery category.
Everybody has benefited, even rich Japan, which in 2002-03 was pulled out of a decade and a half's slump by Chinese demand for top-notch components and capital goods.
所有人都从中受益了,甚至包括富国日本。在02- 03年间,中国对其高端配件与资本货物的需求,将其从持续了10年半的衰退中拉了出来。
Everybody has benefited, even rich Japan, which in 2002-03 was pulled out of a decade and a half's slump by Chinese demand for top-notch components and capital goods.
所有人都从中受益了,甚至包括富国日本。在02- 03年间,中国对其高端配件与资本货物的需求,将其从持续了10年半的衰退中拉了出来。