Neysa Pranger of the Regional plan Association, a body that plans for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, is relieved about that, but wishes the two-year capital plan were longer.
一家为纽约,新泽西和康涅狄格做计划的地区计划组织的Neysa Prager听到这个计划觉得安心,而且希望这个两年的资本计划可以更长一些。
Neysa Pranger of the Regional plan Association, a body that plans for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, is relieved about that, but wishes the two-year capital plan were longer.
一家为纽约,新泽西和康涅狄格做计划的地区计划组织的Neysa Prager听到这个计划觉得安心,而且希望这个两年的资本计划可以更长一些。