I am pretty well educated, although I am in utter confusion about the capital of Spain, and at one time thought that Havana was the name of an island next to Cuba.
The bank of Spain said it would soon publish the results of "stress tests" that will reveal whether Spanish Banks have adequate capital.
STREET life in St James, a suburb of Port of Spain, Trinidad’s capital, that likes to call itself the “city that never sleeps”, normally blasts on until the early hours.
Some places (America, Ireland and Spain) give tax relief on mortgage-interest payments. Others, such as Britain, eliminate or lower the tax on capital gains from sales of someone's main house.
But this crisis was born of economic excess as well as financial folly; given the torrent of capital flowing into America, Britain, Spain and so on, almost any financial system would have gone wrong.
Madrid is the capital and largest city in Spain, although probably one of the smallest autonomous regions.
巴塞罗那是第二大城市,也是加泰罗尼亚区的首府。 它是西班牙的主要旅游地,也可能是最上镜的地区。
Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometers east of the Spanish capital, Madrid.
Such outside help may be necessary for Italy and Spain, whose Banks were facing some of the biggest capital shortfalls.
On May 25 and 26, approximately 150 swine industry professionals from around the world gathered in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, Spain, for the meeting.
在5月25 -26日,来自世界各地的约150位养猪专家齐聚西班牙加泰罗尼亚的首都巴塞罗那,共同参加这次会议。
The capital and largest city of Spain, on the central plateau north-northeast of Toledo.
King of the Vandals (428-477) who invaded Africa from Spain (429), captured Carthage and made it his capital (439), and sacked Rome (455).
亨塞里奥汪达尔帝国(428- 477年)的国王,他从西班牙入侵非洲,占领了迦太基并把它作为首都(439年),后来劫掠了罗马(455年)。
King of the Vandals (428-477) who invaded Africa from Spain (429), captured Carthage and made it his capital (439), and sacked Rome (455).
亨塞里奥汪达尔帝国(428- 477年)的国王,他从西班牙入侵非洲,占领了迦太基并把它作为首都(439年),后来劫掠了罗马(455年)。