Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.
I'm sure that career prospects in the industry would be very good no matter what sort of job I went into.
I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.
It is feared that a failure to address early-year challenges, such as poor handwriting, leads to much more serious problems down the line with these pupils facing reduced career prospects.
Trends, Issues, Problems, Case Studies and Career Prospects in.
Employees can boost their career prospects and experience different surroundings.
They've made it clear that their career prospects are better served elsewhere.
This is good for science, but how does it impact your career prospects?Think of it this way.
Almost everywhere they enjoy better career prospects and higher public esteem than bank supervisors.
The survey of 1, 353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in 2011.
In the long run, you will be enjoy excellent career prospects and go as far as your abilities will take you.
If he hadn't worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects.
Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects.
Marie's father warned her that doing so might jeopardize her career prospects at home or even the lives of relatives there.
Have you considered, though, how your life and career prospects might be enhanced by branching out into other languages?
So consider making that your specialty (which will do no harm to your own long-term career prospects either, incidentally).
Still, many "sea turtles" acknowledged that they're willing to accept lower pay if the job provides attractive career prospects.
XiziHIC will provide employees with better career prospects better training opportunities, we are here to invite you to join!
It may be time to accept that if the relationship with your boss is too destructive for your peace of mind and career prospects.
If you get a high grade, you can go to a good university which will make job hunting and future career prospects a lot brighter.
These unfortunates will find that, while their career prospects aren’t permanently foreclosed, the odds of great success are diminished.
It can impact a person's mental health, relationships, career prospects, basic life functions like sleep and exercise, and overall well-being.
We hope these classes can help students become more fluent and confident in using the language of business and enhance their career prospects.
"[This announcement] shows how these five year plan targets can really mobilise behaviour... people's career prospects are riding on meeting them," added Wang.
Wang Wei, senior lecturer of Kuakao Education, a training agency, thinks that a major reason for the decline is the dim career prospects for postgraduates.
They call for incentives to keep women at home to breed (though poor career prospects for mothers are a big factor behind a precipitous fall in the fertility rate).
They call for incentives to keep women at home to breed (though poor career prospects for mothers are a big factor behind a precipitous fall in the fertility rate).