Hemoglobin, as you know, is an oxygen carrier and so red blood cells concentrate in bags of hemoglobin which circulate in your blood and they carry oxygen.
The pots were porous so that, although they could carry water in them, it wasn't possible to store it over a long period.
As with some of the other tribal groups in Yunnan, women carry firewood up the dirt paths and lug rocks at construction sites.
Carry the mobile phone in a purse or briefcase or get a nonmetallic belt clip that orients it away from your body.
They can go beneath the ice, and then to hibernate as the ices closes in, until we need them to carry out their research in unreachable areas.
This led to an important decision being taken: namely to carry out the lifting operation in three very distinct stages.
Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms.
You have to carry a pager so that they can call you in at any time.
"If only one of us had a pocket," Peter said, "we could carry her in it."
You will never carry the bottle in your mouth again, Nana, and it is all my fault.
The smaller and newer universities do not involve the staff or equipment to carry out the maximum research projects possible in larger institutions.
The item was in his carry-on during X-ray screening at a security checkpoint at the airport, an FBI spokesman said in a statement.
美国联邦调查局发言人在一份声明中说,在机场安检处进行X 光安检时,该可疑物品就在他随身携带的行李中。
Earth's orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from receiving the sun's rays most directly.
Many people are "not boring" in the way that they can carry a conversation or can be good at a social gathering.
I'm experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a disappointing morning weigh-in.
We're like ants in a large anthill and we carry out our tasks, even when we don't want to.
She likes to carry her books in her arms when she walks.
Normally, I don't carry lots of money in my wallet.
The car is as small as a bike but can carry two people in it.
From there, dogsled drivers—known as "mushers"—would carry it to Nome in a relay.
The arms could be held away from the body and carry separate items in their hands; there is no back pillar.
"We are now helping others to carry out similar projects in their own communities, too", Gomez said.
The days of the ready-made, "you stick it in a lunchbox and carry it to school" are kind of done.
Peter is the strongest boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things.
If we keep our sadness and hatred in our hearts, we will have to carry them around all our lives.
Because plastics mustn't be used in Rwanda, they had to find proper ways to carry the pepper sauce.
Must we face the thought that at some time in the distant future everyone will need to carry in their handbag or pocket one of the miniature calculators?
Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.
This game will fit inside a single item, a totem, that the player's avatar can carry in their inventory, or wield.
This game will fit inside a single item, a totem, that the player's avatar can carry in their inventory, or wield.