000 people died, though the virus had a case-fatality ratio of only 0.5%.
The overall case-fatality rate is 1%, up to 15% among hospitalized patients.
总病死率 为1%,但在住院患者中最高达15% 。
During 1966, 616 cases of meningitis were reported with case-fatality rate of 20.9%.
The overall case-fatality rate stands at 1.9%, and decreases below 1% for hospitalized cases.
The overall case-fatality rate was highest in 2004 (73%), followed by 63% to date in 2006, and 43% in 2005.
As of 6 June 2006, Angola has reported a total of 43 076 cases and 1642 deaths (overall case-fatality rate (CFR) 3.8%).
截止2006年6月6日,安哥拉共报告了43 076例和1642例死亡(总病死率3.8%)。
From 30 November 2006 to 12 March 2007, a total of 684 cases including 155 deaths (case-fatality ratio, 23%) of RVF was reported in Kenya.
As of 28 September 2008, a total of 341 laboratory-confirmed cholera cases, including five deaths, had been verified (case-fatality rate: 1.5%).
As of 14 November 2007, 329 human cases, including 96 deaths (case-fatality rate, 29%) have been reported from White Nile, Sennar, Gazeera States.
From 1 January to 11 March 2007, the Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso reported 7 333 suspected cases including 583 deaths (case-fatality rate, 8%).
2007年1月1日至3月11日,布基纳法索卫生部报告了7 333例疑似病例,包括583例死亡(病死率8%)。
From 13 January to 3rd May 2007, a total of 264 cases including 109 deaths (case-fatality ratio, 41%) of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) was reported in Tanzania.
From 19 December 2006 to 20 February 2007, a total of 114 cases including 51 deaths (case-fatality ratio, 45%) of Rift Valley Fever were reported in Somalia.
From 1 January to 6 March 2011, the Ministry of Health of Chad reported 923 suspected cases of meningococcal disease including 57 deaths (case-fatality rate: 6.2%).
The historical legacy of the severe 1918 pandemic, and the very high case-fatality rate of human infections with avian (H5N1) influenza, contrast with the milder pandemics of 1968 and 2009.
As of 12 January 2007, 220 suspected cases, including 82 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (case-fatality ratio 37.2%) have been reported in North Eastern Province and Coast Province, Kenya.
Case fatality was high in all age groups but was highest in persons aged 10 to 39 years.
The case fatality rate in hospitals at the national level is 2.3%, with 67% of the deaths occurring at health services level and 33% at community level.
The overall case fatality rate is 4% but has reached up to 20-30% in remote areas.
As of 23 May 2006, Angola has reported a total of 38 897 cases and 1437 deaths (case fatality rate (CFR) 3.6%).
截至2006年5月23日,安哥拉共报告了38 897例和1437例死亡(病死率3.6%)。
As of 16 May 2006, Angola has reported a total of 35 775 cases and 1298 deaths (case fatality rate (CFR) 4%).
截至2006年5月16日,安哥拉共报告了35 775例和1 298例死亡(病死率4%)。
As of 19 June 2006, Angola has reported a total of 46 758 cases including 1893 deaths with an overall (case fatality rate, CFR 4.0%).
The overall case fatality rate has decreased from 11% during March 10-31 to 0.2% during April 17-29.
总病死率已由3月10 - 31日期间的11%降低到4月17 - 29日期间的0.2%。
Between 1 January and 5 March 2006, 3636 suspected cases including 399 deaths (case fatality rate, CFR, 11%) have been reported.
2006年1月1日至3月5日,报告了3 636例疑似病例,包括399例死亡(病死率11%)。
As yet no data is available on the number of deaths linked to the current outbreak, but generally in complex emergencies the case fatality rate can surpass 30%.
We have no idea when and how the pandemic will occur, or whether this high case fatality rate of 61 per cent in humans will be maintained, "said Chan."
The outbreak in Angola is the largest and deadliest on record for this rare disease, which is presently showing a case fatality rate higher than 90%.
The total case fatality rate has varied widely between different epidemics but, overall, has been less than 1% in those documented.
Neighbouring South Africa has also reported 3000 cases, but the strength of its health care and water and sanitation systems have seen the case fatality rate remain below 1%.
The case fatality has varied widely between epidemics but, has been less than 10% in documented cases.
The case fatality has varied widely between epidemics but, has been less than 10% in documented cases.