The winners will pocket a cash sum and get a chance to release their debut CD single.
Financiers hope to get them to loosen their purse-strings faster and to pocket some of the cash.
The customer who cashed a checkto cover anticipated cash expenditures may later redeposit any currency stillheld that's beyond normal pocket money needs.
With a huge sum of cash like over 10 million Liang silver in his pocket, he should momentarily wonder whether he would conduct westernization or regrate raw silk.
You probably have an opportunity right there to provide a service to them, one that will put cash in your pocket for doing something you naturally enjoy.
The local farmers market might be the perfect place to translate that into some pocket cash.
As I walked out of my apartment, I worried that I had too much cash in my purse and I stashed half in the side pocket of my suitcase.
AT ATMs I don't put my cash in my purse, I stuff it in a pocket and hurtle on. When I come to pay for something I have no idea where my money is.
我在AT M机取钱时不把钱放进钱包,只把它们塞进口袋就匆匆上路,买东西的时候我不知道钱放在了哪里。
But in China's largest cities, you can definitely survive without carrying a pocket full of cash and credit CARDS — as long as you've got your smartphone.
It can lower your monthly payments, help reduce your taxable income and put some cash in your pocket.
That way, whatever I buy free after rebate , it doesn't cost any "extra" cash out of my own pocket.
The money goes into the consumer's pocket the old-fashioned way—this is real cash, not digital credit—but no card is needed.
Convenient front pocket safely stores keys, cash, or credit CARDS.
This meant a chance for money in my pocket — cash for dates with girls, certainly, money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother.
Companies like Encore buy bad loans from Banks and credit card issuers for pennies on the dollar and pocket the cash they collect.
If you don't have cash in your pocket, you can swipe a credit card and make whatever size contribution you want.
If you don't have cash in your pocket, you can swipe a credit card and make whatever size contribution you want.