As China Daily wrote, "We can't completely protect our computers against these kinds of viruses, as this cat and mouse game will continue forever."
The cat and mouse game is over, but the challenge between man and robots will still go on.
What Cheng and co have started is a cat and mouse game just like those that plague the antivirus and spam filtering industries.
The cat and mouse were playing the ultimate game, and they were caught by the photographer, creating a realistic version of "Tom and Jerry".
Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, hasacknowledged that his company is involved in a “cat and mouse” game to try andkeep hackers and jailbreakers at bay.
苹果首席执行官Steve Jobs承认,他们陷入了一场阻击黑客和越狱者的“猫捉老鼠”游戏。
Partly, it could be that in the endless cat-and-mouse game between hackers and security teams, the hackers have jumped ahead.
And from the moment he arrived in Hamburg, his life turned into a cat-and-mouse game of sneaking from one north European city to another, in search of rapid presses and nimble protectors.
The fearless rodent proved he was no scaredy-cat as he astonishingly squared up to his large opponent and refused to budge – giving a new slant to the game of cat and mouse.
Nonetheless, as the cat-and-mouse game between social networks and social networking marketers escalates, that could change.
Reflecting the subtle cat-and-mouse game, however, the searchers also know the line they shouldn't cross and won't go after really big targets who might attract the secret police, analysts said.
The upshot is a game of cat and mouse as creditors resort to novel tactics to get their money.
This will be your finest moment as an evil mastermind. Let the verbal game of cat and mouse commence!
To play cat and mouse is for somebody or something to chase the other in a very strategic, teasing, and game-like way (like a cat chasing and playing with a mouse).
In a constant game of cat and mouse, it pays to be a well-informed mouse. Ms.
This was less like a game of cat and mouse, and more like a show of lunchtime bullying.
Raizo saves Mika from her attackers, and they are both entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse through the streets of Europe.
A mysterious stranger and dark twists of fate send this night into a descent of bloody madness in this deadly game of cat and mouse where nothing is what it seems.
The game hide and seek refers to a cat and mouse strategy that shifts power back and forth between the hider and the seeker as each of the players takes a turn.
To a certain extent you play a never-ending game with them, cat and mouse, blind man's buff, hide and seek.
So it is that Google's latest move, as with so much of online security, is just the next stage of a cat-and-mouse game.
Playing a cat and mouse -game is the purest understatement in this case.
Alibaba and other ecommerce sites play a cat-and-mouse game with "brushers", as they try to safeguard the reputation of their sales platforms.
阿里巴巴及其他电子商务网站在试图捍卫其销售平台声誉之际,和 和“刷单者”玩起了猫鼠游戏。
It's a cat-and-mouse game that often leaves U. S. soldiers dead and their vehicles in flames along the highway leading to Baghdad, a key trade route that's now a no-man's land.
It's a cat-and-mouse game that often leaves U. S. soldiers dead and their vehicles in flames along the highway leading to Baghdad, a key trade route that's now a no-man's land.