Reaffirming the region's Catalan identity, and use of the Catalan language, will still be priorities.
As the group bonds, eyes are opened to cultural differences (yes, Catalan not Spanish is the language at university).
Catalan nis spoken in Spain, bits of France and a even smaller hunk of Sardinia. However, the only country where it is the official language is in Andorra.
Some were born in homes in which only Spanish is spoken, some in homes who residents only spoke Catalan (a romance language spoken in northeastern Spain), and some in bilingual homes.
One of the most unique regions in all of the Iberian Peninsula is Catalonia, Spain, with its own culture, cuisine and language—Catalan.
Hundreds of years earlier, Barcelona had been the great sea port of the medieval land of Aragon, with its own language and a Catalan cultural identity that spilled over into France.
This paper contrasts language policy in the Autonomous Yi Prefecture of Liangshan and the Catalan-speaking areas of south-western Europe.
This paper contrasts language policy in the Autonomous Yi Prefecture of Liangshan and the Catalan-speaking areas of south-western Europe.