Still eager to see more of Romania, I decided to catch a train to Craiova in order to buy a camera, and to then cycle south from there and carry on following the River Danube.
It now takes me an hour on the train to travel to work, but at least I can catch up on my leisure reading; it's an ill wind.
On the train to New York I sat next to a man who talked my ear off about himself. He didn't even stop to catch his breath.
On the east coast of the Cape peninsula, you can catch a commuter train along the False Bay coastline, stopping at beaches and quaint villages.
A convoluted series of changes on the Tube and on buses left me stranded in Romford, in outer London, where the train I had been told I could catch to Colchester had just been canceled.
Without a word to his family, Ludwik Zon donned his Sunday best and rode off on his bike to catch the bus and train to Warsaw, then flew off to the British capital.
一句话也没对家人说,路德维克.佐恩穿上他最好 的衣服,骑上脚踏车赶搭开往华沙的巴士与火车,然后直飞英国首都。
It was probable that, little as the van der Luydens encouraged unannounced visits, he could count on being asked to dine, and sent back to the station to catch the nine o'clock train;
The station's buffet:People were in a hurry to get on the train, and hawkers hawked as hard as they could, pushing the"buffet car"back and forth to catch passengers who needed some food or drink.
The station's buffet:People were in a hurry to get on the train, and hawkers hawked as hard as they could, pushing the"buffet car"back and forth to catch passengers who needed some food or drink.