Corneal stroma cells formed triangle and arborization, cell-cell junction was obvious, and formed network link.
Index of electronic microscopy included microvilli, tight junction and cell space.
By insulating flange at the junction between the new and old pipe, the long line galvanic cell is "broken up" - the anode (new pipe) is electrically separated from the cathode (old pipe).
The tight junction protein claudin-1 (CLDN1) has been shown to be required for entry of HCV into the cell.
There were species difference in the cell shape of those distinct cellular bundles and their position in the architecture of atrioventricular junction.
There was no positive result of apoptosis even given high dose of PAF, but tight junction fracture and cell ultra structure damage appeared under transmission electron microscopy.
It also shows the characteristics of double-junction solar cell manufactured by the technology.
Objective: To explore the effects of Fufang Tengligen Mixture on growth and gap junction intercellular communication(GJIC) of PG cell line.
The mechanical cushioning system that Mr Kellas has designed has flexible hinges at the junction of each cell in the honeycomb.
The series resistance (rs) of the PV cell may be due to the resistance of the metal contacts on the cell, ohmic losses in the front surface of the cell, impurity concentrations, or junction depth.
Stem cell differentiation was the gap junction between stem cells and somatic cells.
Myocardial gap junction plays an important role in cell to cell conduction of electrical and chemical signals in myocardium.
The liquid-junction solar cell is a device of converting solar energy into electric energy with the sensitized nano-particle semiconductor, which has low-cost and high-efficiency advantages.
In the cell, this junction is formed and stabilized by specific group helicase proteins.
PV junction box provides connectivity solution fast, safe, and reliable for the user, this combination of junction box for solar cell plate connection.
PV junction box provides connectivity solution fast, safe, and reliable for the user, this combination of junction box for solar cell plate connection.