This wasn't a love that depended on chance or caprice, but a love as mighty and eternal as the universe itself.
We raised our mugs and drank to those we love, but before we had had a chance to taste the wine we had to throw ourselves flat on the ground as a stick of bombs fell outside.
If you are attached, this month will give you a chance to forget any day-to-day CARES to focus on the love you share together.
You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
On arrival of gathering, the young of Miao make use of the chance to show their agricultural products and their love.
Lehmann, however, commented: 'I would love to play on with him, but I think there is no chance.
Suppose I'm beautiful. I'd always been haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would disgust me.
I would always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would disgust me.
And the painter leaves the chance of surviving to the loved person, encourage her to continue living on, it is by the nobleness of character of distillation of love even more.
Walcott would love the chance to do more damage on Sunday and bolster Arsenal's title bid.
You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.
Suppose I'm beautiful I'd always be worried by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would make me sick.
Because her love for the prince was so strong, the Little Mermaid does not become foam on the ocean, but becomes a spirit of the air and has the chance one day to have an immortal soul.
Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo were also here from the group that lost Game 7 on this floor last June and would love another chance to come take the title back.
Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo were also here from the group that lost Game 7 on this floor last June and would love another chance to come take the title back.