Many times, the integrated change control process includes a change control board responsible for approving and rejecting the requested changes.
During the creation of lessons learned for a project, the team determines that the project would have been better if they had a change control board.
Thee project management team uses stakeholders with expert judgment on the change control board to control and approve all requested changes to any aspect of the project.
项目管理团队利用在变更控制委员会具有专家判断的利害关系者,控制与批准项目各个方面的所有变更请求。 。
Seal with your fingers touch the control board to catch bubbles. Should pay attention to looking for props, they will change the outcome at the crucial moment.
A configuration control board is a group of people who are responsible for approving and denying change requests and who ensure that changes are implemented correctly.
With the freedom to change, recompile and reload the FPGA design to a board comes the responsibility to keep track of changes and keep FPGA design versions under configuration control.
With the freedom to change, recompile and reload the FPGA design to a board comes the responsibility to keep track of changes and keep FPGA design versions under configuration control.