Before it ends, it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults.
The individual=s ends will change as he learns from other people; they may also change out of sheer caprice.
Finding that there is a prevalence of self-change experienced when a romantic relationship ends provides a testament to the power of loss that impacts one's sense of self.
The first phase of Kyoto ends in 2012 and final negotiations on a new global climate change pact are set to be completed in the Danish capital Copenhagen in December.
Any serious educational theory must consist of two parts: a conception of the ends of life, and a science of psychological dynamics, i.e., of the laws of mental change.
The spotlight, on the other hand, produces a sharp change between light and dark, where the cone of the spot ends.
The deriving procedure is based on the change of the length of the flexible connector (chain), and the key to the successful derivation lies in the correct selection of the two ends of the chain.
This paper starts with the comparative research on the colors of the various metal inorganic substances and ends with the conclusion of 18 rules of the color change.
A little boy regrets the end of his day, and so his mother explains that all things change to become something else, that nothing ever ends.
A little boy regrets the end of his day, and so his mother explains that all things change to become something else, that nothing ever ends.