Change the way of thinking, change their habits, change a living way, often can create unlimited, unlimited scenery!
We need to change the way of thinking, and discuss the reasons from the psychology angle, make further improvement in preventing control system.
Applying the principles of math analysis to the math teaching in middle schools can change the way of thinking and widen our trains of thought in solving problems.
With all the forces making the world smaller, it is time to change our way of thinking. Time to realize that we live together in one world, not two: this poverty is in our community, wherever we live.
These are things that anyone suffering from anxiety of the unknown can do to change their way of thinking.
The management of entertprizes should change their outdated way of thinking so that production, operation and internal management can meet the needs of the market.
In order to win from the doing, enterprises need to change their way of thinking, creating and constantly improve the quality of the environment.
If you do not find the term useful, suggest an alternate concept or way of thinking about the world that you find more helpful in thinking about social change.
Your way of thinking about the world will be changed, although it is not possible to tell from this placement alone whether the change will be for good or ill.
A variety of agents and organizations appear in modern society. They deeply affect human being in the aspect of living way, acting way and thinking way. At the same time change our social foundation.
Has become a local brand of a new force in embroidery and embroidery for the local change in the mode of creating a new way of thinking.
Actually, as long as we can turn difficulty to easy, change a way of thinking, the simple formula also can prove it.
Actually, as long as we can turn difficlty into easy, change a way of thinking, the simple formula also can prove it.
Design is a kind of "ice" to the "water" to "steam" of the essence has not changed, change what you use is the way to change it, change your thinking is the Angle thinking model.
Technology is a tool and a change in the way of thinking is required to do away with a system in which differences in ranks or positions are considered to be very important.
How to change an Angle and change the performance that a way of thinking goes to the brave?
So I began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. By choosing to change my outlook on life, I developed the confidence to make a difference and finally I found a totally new world.
However, with the change in living environment, way of living and thinking, some confused and irrational ways and behavior are growing and expanding in art learning and practicing.
The arrival of the era of knowledge-driven economy will change our mode of production, life style and way of thinking.
5c Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of thinking.
Conclusion: Change idea, adjust way of thinking, aggressive strengthen the prevention and cure of chronic d...
University Students on the one hand, the Internet has enriched the university life, to change its way of life, ways of thinking and behavior patterns;
University Students on the one hand, the Internet has enriched the university life, to change its way of life, ways of thinking and behavior patterns;