The changing seasons mark the passing of time.
Yet over changing seasons and passing time.
The best part of living in Northern Michigan is the changing seasons.
Instead, they measured time according to day and night and the changing seasons.
Surprise yourself by admiring the changing seasons, sunrise or sunset, in all serenity.
To keep the magic of love alive we must be flexible and adapt to the ongoing changing seasons of love.
From the names for the 24 solar terms, we can see that their division follows the changing seasons and climates.
These leaves can be used in a variety of ways to both change your decorating look and acknowledge the changing seasons.
To me the changing seasons are an exciting and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.
Podium, desk, changing seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and little effort. Hard, my teacher. Happy teachers' day!
The structure of the solar systemgovens our life, because is the means by which we measure time and experiencethe changing seasons.
Chef Benjamin Baker updates menus with the changing seasons and creates Texas Fusion cuisine using locally sourced produce, meats, and dairy.
The great attraction of this location lies in the vicinity of water and in the experience of this natural environment through the changing seasons.
Full of colorful, lingering blossoms, these are designed to adapt to the changing seasons, expressing their message for the entire duration of the Expo.
But these "blue" feelings are usually temporary, and are often easy to figure out-a bad period at work, struggles with loved ones, even the changing seasons.
As I think about it, those espousing the joys of sailing are like people who live in tundra states saying they won't ever move because they "love the changing seasons."
Collected here are recent photos from northern areas where winter weather has made an impact, and some of the ways the people and animals are dealing with the changing seasons.
Think ahead to the changing seasons and the sorts of things you'd like to be doing as the year moves on, and the sorts of activities and events you'd like to be a part of.
恐怕你的肾上腺素在整个春假期间都一直处于兴奋状态吧? 所以一回到相对安静的日常工作状态,没了激动人心的事情去期待,你自然会觉得有点失落。
The concert was divided into 5 parts: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and rebirth, using butterflies, fallen leaves, snow, glacier and stars to express the changing seasons.
Even if you are a city dweller, you can find some place, perhaps a park or a golf course, where you can observe the mysterious migrations of the birds and the changing seasons.
These periods became known as temporal hours, because their duration varied according to the changing length of days and nights with the passing of the seasons.
He saw changing scenery and seasons.
This clock governs when an animal eats, sleeps and reproduces: it is hard to overstate how important it is at helping animals adapt to changing conditions throughout the seasons.
The forms I have created have altered and acquiered meaning through elementary nature (light and air) that give indications of the passage of time and changing of the seasons.
Users often haven't been trained to understand the changing emphasis across the UP phases, which as Gary Evans likes to say are basically the seasons of a project.
He noted the changing light, the seasons and other children playing through a small portal to the outside world.
Take your cue from the seasons and match your ringtone to the changing world around you!
Take your cue from the seasons and match your ringtone to the changing world around you!