Employees formed "storm chaser teams" and competed in storm-themed educational exercises to earn various rewards.
“And women, ” said Chaser Angelina Johnson.
Are you still interested in playing Chaser?
Brightly colored bead chaser featured in the middle.
Is a good expectation, but also a perpetual dream-chaser!
Thereby, a 3d geometric model for a chaser is demonstrated by using this method.
Tornado chaser Stay airborne for 30 seconds by web zipping on objects hurled by sandman's tornado.
有龙卷风的场合,利用飞起的杂物,使用web - zip在空中行动超过30秒。
The overall design method of spacecraft rendezvous is investigated, where the chaser is semi-autonomic.
Most often the chaser is a monster or some person that is frightening, and occasionally it may be an animal.
But in 1997 NASA decided ISEE-3 had done its job as a solar observatory and comet-chaser, and shut it down.
但是1997年,美国航空航天局决定:ISEE - 3项目已经完成了它作为一个天文观测台和彗星追逐者的工作,并且停止了该项目。
The Dream Chaser has a lifting body design; it looks something like an airplane without the large wings on the side.
It is well acknowledged that baby-face squad is inept for champion chaser under the contemporary soccer circumstance.
资讯科技很好地被承认那个宝贝- 脸的班对在同时代的足球环境下面的冠军猎人是不适当的。
So the Dream Chaser frame has been mounted on an earthquake simulator in a lab at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
"Dream Chaser" and "Spark Your Dream" are the books the couple wrote on the trip. Both of them hit the bestseller list.
Sierra Nevada, which also makes satellites, sensors, and other components, did not design the Dream Chaser from the ground up.
The firm is developing a space vehicle called Dream Chaser, which could carry six to eight people to and from low-Earth orbit.
So in testing, the combination of a cup of coffee with an immediate nap chaser provided the most alertness for the longest period of time.
Based on the theory and experience, it represents the design method of the chaser, and gives out the relative experimental reference data.
While the hardworking Hawking can, indeed, yield results, you may also reap the benefits of being an intellectual car-chaser from time to time.
The company reached all its development milestones for the Dream Chaser last year and is now finishing a battery of tests on the craft's carbon-composite frame.
This paper discusses changes of RLGC, GPT, lymphocyte blastogenesis and active rosette forming cell in SD rats, induced by turbine noise of the submarine chaser.
Pilley's experiments showed that Chaser was capable of a rudimentary "language" — and understood the relationship between nouns and verbs like fetch, paw, and nose.
While it's probably not a good idea to become a rate-chaser, it doesn't make much sense to keep the bulk of your savings in a big bank savings account earning 0.20%.
While it's probably not a good idea to become a rate-chaser, it doesn't make much sense to keep the bulk of your savings in a big bank savings account earning 0.20%.
Pilley worked with Chaser four or five hours a day.He'd show her an object, a soft toy, for example, give it a name, and repeat it until Chaser understood the association.
Pilley worked with Chaser four or five hours a day. He'd show her an object, a soft toy, for example, give it a name, and repeat it until Chaser understood the association.
In Vietnam, so-fresh-they’re-still-beating cobra’s hearts are dished up in a couple of ways: some, like Anthony Bourdain, eat the heart raw, followed by a cobra blood chaser.
在越南,跳动着的新鲜眼镜蛇心脏被成盘上菜。 它有两种吃法:一种像安东尼-博尔顿那样生吃,然后再喝眼镜蛇血水。
In Vietnam, so-fresh-they’re-still-beating cobra’s hearts are dished up in a couple of ways: some, like Anthony Bourdain, eat the heart raw, followed by a cobra blood chaser.
在越南,跳动着的新鲜眼镜蛇心脏被成盘上菜。 它有两种吃法:一种像安东尼-博尔顿那样生吃,然后再喝眼镜蛇血水。