Start the cluster to make sure that the messaging engines work (they should be in the "started" state, also check the SystemOut.log for the servers in the cluster).
启动集群,确保消息传递引擎能够工作(它们应处于“启动”状态,还应检查集群中服务器的SystemOut . log)。
Start the Cluster to make sure that the Messaging Engines work (they should be in the "started" state, Also check the SystemOut.log for the servers in the cluster).
启动集群,以确保消息传递引擎正常工作(它们应该为“started”状态,另外要检查 SystemOut.log 中有关集群中的服务器的信息)。
Other robots are designed to work underwater, looking for survivors in cars that fell off Bridges and to check the integrity of infrastructure.
The requester can choose to enqueue a request but not wait for processing to complete, then periodically check for a response in the response queue while it performs other work.
For example, those systems can check whether or not work items exist and can update the work items with new data in response to status-changing events in the external systems.
Check lists for rapid assessment of work in progress and for seeing how it can be improved.
If this does not work, check the virtual host entries in the Application server admin console and ensure that a virtual host has been defined for the Web server's HTTP port.
If this does not work, check the virtual host entries in the Application server admin console and ensure that a virtual host has been defined for the Web server's SSL port.
Our focus in this paper, therefore, is not on case study data or which metrics to use, but on goals, traps to avoid, and how to make a Self Check work for your team.
For example, if the click-hold times are "197 10 10," the checkDynamics subroutine will work through necessary permutations to check "192 5 5," "203 15 15," and everything in between.
例如,如果单击按住时间为“19710 10”,checkdynamics子例程将遍历必要的排列以检查“192 5 5”、“203 15 15”及两者之间的排列。
Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright.
I always need to check with my boyfriend if I can come and work for a month in Jingdezhen and he was OK with it this time as well.
This morning we went to search for an Internet caffee to check some information, because the network could not work in our hotel.
Reading to someone allows for more time to practice strategies. helping you work on fluency and expression, check for understanding, hear your own voice, and share in the learning community.
If you work in fund raising for a non-profit here is a reality check. You are in sales.
Before starting any work, check the de-energized parts for presence of power and ground or short-circuit them in addition to insulating adjacent live parts and elements.
Report on duty in office and sign in on time, receive afternoon tasks from your supervisor and check special work for evening turn-down service. Then go to your working area as soon as possible.
The team needs these kinds of builds (especially gated check-in builds) to run quickly so that their work is not held up waiting for a build.
The CFO in a large corporation would ultimately be responsible for payroll and income stated on tax returns, so even if other people do this work, the CFO has to check its accuracy.
Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright.
Check the 'shuffle' box if you want the answers in the drop-down menus to be shuffled. Note: the Quiz display setting must also be set to shuffle within a questions for this to work.
Manager: hello thanks for your comments, we will continue to work, we will strengthen the English level of desk, welcome your next check in.
The deputy manager of a coal mine in charge of the safety work shall be responsible for the supervision over and check of the gas controlling work;
The deputy manager of a coal mine in charge of the safety work shall be responsible for the supervision over and check of the gas controlling work;