The cherubic feather falls in my front.
Noe has a cherubic face and a dazzling smile.
Do you think of tiny cherubic angels, like the ones that dot Sunday school materials?
I like to look at you simple cherubic smile. I like to look at you showing your kindness as the angel.
Cherubic and deceptively guileless, she used "humour as a dodge, intimacy as a smoke screen", Ms Salomon notes.
I called her name from the kitchen window, and she smiled a cherubic smile and poked him with her toe, just so he'd know what was on her mind.
Margaret Roberts, who was never called "Maggie," is remembered in Grantham as a studious, determined little girl with the cherubic looks of a Cupid on a Victorian valentine.
When he crossed a bridge over the Schuylkill, it was wreathed with laurels and evergreens, and a cherubic boy, aided by a mechanical device, lowered a laurel crown over his head.
The Beatles' current solution is spiritualism, specifically "transcendental meditation, " as propounded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 56, a tiny, cherubic seer with shoulder-length locks.
披头士目前诉诸于唯心论来寻求慰籍,尤其对印度的超在禅定派情有独钟,这个教派是有56岁的瑜伽修行者Maharishi Mahesh 创立的,他是一个矮小、长相天真、留着披肩发的预言家。
The Beatles' current solution is spiritualism, specifically "transcendental meditation, " as propounded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 56, a tiny, cherubic seer with shoulder-length locks.
披头士目前诉诸于唯心论来寻求慰籍,尤其对印度的超在禅定派情有独钟,这个教派是有56岁的瑜伽修行者Maharishi Mahesh 创立的,他是一个矮小、长相天真、留着披肩发的预言家。