The class differences in child-rearing are growing—a symptom of widening inequality with far-reaching consequences.
Extracurricular activities reflect the differences in child-rearing in the Pew survey, which was of a nationally representative sample of 1,807 parents.
Equal roles for moms and dads in child-rearing?
All parents soon realise how much of child-rearing is improvisation, tempered by exhaustion.
For poorer parents, juggling the twin demands of work and child-rearing can be a nightmare.
Yet if someone has a different philosophy of child-rearing, we instantly feel judged and lash back.
Research also suggests that middle- and working-class parents approach child-rearing in different ways.
A female lawyer notes that many judges have no idea of how women manage household budgets and child-rearing.
Over the past decade or so, researchers have begun to focus on the special role dads take in child-rearing.
Add the value of housework and child-rearing, and women probably account for just over half of world output.
For instance, any cross-cultural analysis would have found that mothers do much more child-rearing than men.
There is a widening gulf between how the best - and least-educated Americans approach marriage and child-rearing.
Some university officials see in parents' separation anxieties evidence of the excesses of modern child-rearing.
And his father was a workaholic who sacrificed child-rearing to work at a furniture store he owned with a partner.
Sloppy dress at trial might seem to add to the case against a father accused of neglectful child-rearing, she says.
And two parents are likely to be better at child-rearing because they can devote more time and energy to it than one can.
I was raised in a family that approached home-keeping and child-rearing in a practical if somewhat traditional way at the time.
If children are naturally helpful and sociable, what system of child-rearing best takes advantage of this surprising propensity?
The opportunity costs of child-rearing are far higher for a woman who earns $200, 000 a year than for one who greets customers at Wal-Mart.
According to a new report by Demos, parents who take a traditional "tough love" approach to child-rearing are doing their offspring a favour.
The grandparents tend to support the mothers during child-rearing, but Ms Ishiguro’s father had also passed away years earlier, she explained.
The grandparents tend to support the mothers during child-rearing, but Ms Ishiguro's father had also passed away years earlier, she explained.
Being a patient, playful, protective mother is largely common sense, adds Goodall, who is scornful of child-rearing books that suggest otherwise.
But even if the mother stays at home and is fully capable of providing all the child-rearing the baby needs, fathers should help care for the children.
As every American knows, we have serious child-rearing problems in this country, and on the whole these are problems of too little structure, not too much.
An INS team went to Cuba and discovered that though Elin's parents were divorced, they had maintained a good relationship and had Shared child-rearing duties.
Conservatives and liberals won't agree on the means, but they ought to agree on the end: a nation where it's easier to balance work and child-rearing, however you think that balance should be struck.
Psychiatrists who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing—older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children.
Psychiatrists who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing—older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children.