Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, said that the latest Chinese brands no longer catch customers' eye by low price.
Ben Cavender, principal of China Market Research Group, said the price change had to happen after such a long time.
"Companies don't want renminbi and individuals don't want renminbi," said Shaun Rein, the founder of the China Market Research Group.
“公司不想要人民币,个人也不想要人民币,”市场研究机构CMR集团的创始人雷小山(Shaun Rein)说。
Shaun Rein of China Market Research said Watsons has carved out its own niche, between "Mom and Pop" stores and larger department stores, where it has few competitors.
中国市场研究集团(China Market Research)的小山(Shaun Rein)表示,屈臣氏已经在“夫妻店”和较大的百货商场之间找到了自己的利基市场。这一市场的竞争者很少。
A report from China Market Research Reports showed the country is the top location in the world for PVC production potential, output and consumption for all PVC products.
BMP is listed on Nasdaq and offers pre-market entry analysis for China, clinical trial management, product registration, market research, and pharmaceutical distribution to hospitals.
“I didn’t know anything about China,” said Mr. Stephens, who workedon market research and program development.
China should build an independent GM crops research and development system to seize the market initiative.
Mr Pilat said that the bulk of the spending in China was on development work, to alter products for the fast-growing Chinese market, rather than basic scientific research.
Many foreign luxury brands keen to cater to this growing market, have long localised their products and established research and development centres within China.
Research China commercial vehicle fleet market to understand major fleet operators, trends, size of opportunity for Meritor.
The weaknesses of efficient market theory prevent it from interpreting the phenomena of China securities market, which proved by theoretical research and practice.
China has become the world's largest auto market, and General Motors has a large and growing auto research center in Shanghai.
The indictment quotes emails among some of the people charged in the indictment, and accuses them of plotting to seek investors in China to market their own products from stolen research.
Research on the fluctuation rule of China container Freight Index and forecasting of the trend of international container shipping market are very meaningful.
The main research of this paper is whether volume contains information useful for predicting future price movements in China Stock Market.
In 2005, she led the research in the first ever Agency Image Survey in Singapore, and is now rolling out an even more ambitious in-depth study of the China advertising market.
The second chapter is emphasis part which research the competition state of China audit market and reasons.
Based on the research survey of the herd behavior in security markets, the author empirically studies the herd behavior in China stock market and theoretically analyzes the occurrence mechanism of it.
According as the elementary market research, we find your products will be salable in China.
Yesterday, the 2004 market research report serves villa villa Festival cum China (Shanghai), held a ceremony in Pudong.
Based on a large amount of market research the changes of corn's prices in recent years in China and their causes were systematically analyzed.
The first group graduate students of China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research reported to school.
Goldman Sachs latest research on China, re-confirm such liquidity driven market.
To understand the real demands and potential market in China for narrow-band ISDN, a meticulous research has been made into the ISDN service requirements in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
To understand the real demands and potential market in China for narrow-band ISDN, a meticulous research has been made into the ISDN service requirements in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.