They call her the great Danish wall, but you have the great Chinese wall. So it was easy, no?
I went to the Great Wall with some Chinese friends.
There is a famous Chinese saying: one is not a true man unless he climbs up the Great Wall.
The Great Wall, directed by Zhang Yimou is being regarded as one that can help the Chinese film take on the world.
At the entrance to a Chinese garden, there is usually a huge stone or wall to screen your view.
Then I went into a section decorated like a traditional Chinese study, with two beautiful Chinese paintings of a pine tree and some bamboo hung on the wall.
The Chinese locations add visual interest, there are scenes of splendor in mountains and on the Great Wall, and the characters are once again engaging.
The ceremony sought to distill 5, 000 years of Chinese history - featuring everything from the Great Wall to opera puppets to astronauts, and achievements in art, music and science.
I labeled David, "The Chinese Scobleizer, " for his relentless Tweeting in the van, and during our entire two hours we would spend on the Wall.
The Chinese cemetery at Noyelles-sur-Mer is a peaceful little square of land, surrounded by a low wall and reached via a quiet lane from the village.
华工墓地坐落在Noyelles-sur-Mer地区,平静地占据着一小片土地。 它由一排矮墙环绕,同村中一条小路相通。
So if you don't speak Chinese, and you go to the swimming pool, you see sign on the wall…
所以如果你不懂中文,走进了泳池,看到了墙上的标识。。。。。。” 这些就是我们所说的“中式英语”,它是由英语词汇和中文表达组合而成。
Millions of people, from Wall Street bankers to Chinese migrants, will need to find wholly different lines of work.
Chinese entities haven't entered the fray to shore up Wall Street firms in recent weeks.
Through the calculation of the decorative wall as the tone of the restaurant, we will make it a fusion of Western and Chinese elements of the high quality space.
The Chinese can build things as great as the Great Wall and things as elegant as the gardens in Suzhoou.
Into the hotel lobby, splash-ink painting marble floor, by the international element and the wall of the decoration and combination of Chinese traditional elements, soliciting idea.
BEIJING - Two young Chinese tourists carve their names on the Great Wall. Hundreds of picnickers leave their garbage moldering on the Banks of the Yellow River.
The tremendous effects of Biennale also directly lead to Chinese contemporary art to be "flowers blossom beyond the wall" : heated abroad and neglected home.
'People just don't know about the Expo, even many Chinese citizens,' says Terrence ou, President of the Beijing-based Great Wall Adventure tour agency.
总部位于北京的GreatWall Adventure旅行社总裁TerrenceOu说,人们只是不知道世博会,就连许多中国人也不知道。
When it comes to Chinese culture, we can list a lot, such as, the Great Wall, dumpling, the thought of Confucius, Chinese and so on.
When it comes to Chinese culture, we can list a lot, such as, the Great Wall, dumpling, the thought of Confucius, Chinese and so on.