The SRM controller based on 8098 single chip microprocessor are also introduced.
In every refrigerated container system, a single-chip microprocessor has been used.
In application system of Single-chip microprocessor, key-press display circuits take up respectively I/O port.
A high precise counter circuit for rotary encoder based on single chip microprocessor is presented in this paper.
Regeneration opportunity and regeneration valve opening of DPF are controlled by 80C196KB single chip microprocessor.
According to motor operation properties, overall protection of motor are realized with chip microprocessor technology.
A control system based on single chip microprocessor is designed for submerged arc welder with magnetrol power source.
This paper introduces the application of single chip microprocessor in the operational amplifier (op) measuring system.
This paper introduces a comprehensive protection device of electric motor with single chip microprocessor in coal mines.
This paper introduces a data collection and processing system, which comprises a chip microprocessor and a microcomputer.
The paper describes a digital trigger for three-phase fully-controlled bridge, using a single chip microprocessor 80c196kc.
介绍了一种由80c196 KC单片机构成的三相全控桥式整流电路的数字触发器。
The control system of this inverter is composed of 8098 single chip microprocessor and the new type three phase PWM IC SLE4520.
The lower computer system based on 8051single-chip microprocessor is presented in the transient optical signal detection system.
Finally, the software which analyse communication and measuring data between chip microprocessor and PC is completed based VB6.0.
In this paper, we design an instrument that consists of a detection system controlled by single chip microprocessor and a computer.
The unit which consisted of two peristaltic pumps and a multi function sampling valve was controlled by a single chip microprocessor.
A kind of digital photovoltaic pumping system was designed, which is simple in structure, based on 16 bits single-chip microprocessor.
In this paper, the high temperature measurement system in real time using active infrared laser and 8031 chip microprocessor is introduced.
Then, using these compensation formulae, the intelligent flowmeter is made with advanced single chip microprocessor 8098 in series of MCS—96.
Based on a novel single -chip microprocessor, the device can generate multiple special pulse signals and output bi -directional electronic pulse.
The chip microprocessor control, digital circuit and sensor are adopted to realize the automatic control for the barring gear of marine steam turbine.
The system is composed of hardware design of chip microprocessor, firmware design of chip microprocessor, device driver and application software design.
This paper introduces a software and hardware design for a new type constant pressure water supply system by using a single chip microprocessor controller.
The testing system for induction motor characteristics which is consists of single chip microprocessor as subordinate part and PC as main part is presented.
The design of main structure of the cutting machine is designed and the single-chip microprocessor is adopted so as to realize the low cost and high automation.
This controller utilizes a 8098 chip microprocessor for calculating and processing. so it features capability high speed velocity and strong processing ability.
This paper introduces a data acquisition system of airborne missiles, which collects a large capacity of data of multipath signal with single chip microprocessor 8031.
In order to improve the performance of the domestic ventilator a single-chip microprocessor system substituting original analogue circuits is suggested by the authors.
The control system of DP801 chip microprocessor adopts macroinstruction which is characterized by its audio-visual function, so the beginners can easily master the operation.
This paper describes a type of blood pressure monitor we have developed using 8031 chip microprocessor based on oscillometric method and the designs of hardware and software.