The effect of the chloride ion concentration on distribution parameter is discussed.
At present, electric resistance, chloride ion concentration anomaly, chloride ion profile and acoustic impedance logging data can b...
It is found that surface chloride ion concentration gradually grows with the of time increase the of time and reaches a steady state finally.
Fly ash replacement could fasten accumulation of surface chloride ion concentration and surface chloride ion concentration increases with the increase of fly ash content.
At present, electric resistance, chloride ion concentration anomaly, chloride ion profile and acoustic impedance logging data can be used to predict the gas hydrate saturation.
The concentration of fixed chloride of internal electrode solution was measured by chloride ion selecting electrode (as reference electrode).
The article reports the concentration of chloride in feeds by ion-selective electrode. The results of testing indicate that the method is simple, accurate and rapid.
The article reports the concentration of chloride in feeds by ion-selective electrode. The results of testing indicate that the method is simple, accurate and rapid.