Beneath his choleric exterior Gerald O'Hara had the tenderest of hearts.
In style, Mr McCain's reaction was slow and choleric, while Mr Obama's was steely and swift.
Results 38.58% of patients with primary hypertension belonged to choleric temperament type.
On hearing this the general's head sank; he shrugged his shoulders, and flung up his hands with a choleric gesture.
"If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him," said Sun Tzu, a Chinese military strategist whose writings 2, 500 years ago are still often cited in China today.
It sometimes happens that, at forty or fifty years of age, circulatory disorders of the rhythmic system appear as a direct result of a teacher's unrestrained choleric temperament.
Then the muscles of his heart, exhausted after three billion beats and weakened by pneumonia, diabetes, and the stress of a choleric temperament, paused just for a moment, and could not resume.
Then the muscles of his heart, exhausted after three billion beats and weakened by pneumonia, diabetes, and the stress of a choleric temperament, paused just for a moment, and could not resume.