You can choose a name for the schema repository when you are creating the connection profile.
Choose a name for your PC that will help you identify it on your home network, if you have one.
You need to plan what your blog is going to say, and then you will need to choose a name for your blog.
Visitors to the exhibition will be invited to help choose a name for the guard dog, from a selection of Celtic words.
Babies are usually named on the day they are born. Sometimes, parents choose a name for their baby several months before birth.
For example, when you save a document for the first time in most programs, you can choose a name for the file. But almost no program lets you rename that file.
You can also choose to make your icon theme brighter or darker. Once you're done changing the colors, choose a name for your icon set and click the "Generate" button.
Are you expecting?Before you choose a name for baby, you may want to take a glimpse into what other expectant parents will be naming their little ones into the new millennium!
First, if you choose good names for the method arguments, then your calls to those methods document each argument with a name.
This is where you access the suggested user names and display them for the user to choose a new name.
This takes you through a simple wizard where you can choose the parent category and a name for the new one.
This takes you through a simple wizard, where you can choose the parent category and a name for the new one.
I find that it is always a good idea to choose the name for your strongly typed DataSet when you create it.
Sacrifice as the Passover to the LORD your God an animal from your flock or herd at the place the LORD will choose as a dwelling for his Name.
So if you're choosing an English name for yourself, take care to choose a good one.
The new folder dialog allows you to choose the parent folder and a name for the new folder.
As long as users choose passwords that are sufficiently difficult for others to guess, the combination of a user name and password is usually enough to establish identity.
To use an SPU from a process, the user needs to have write permission to the mount point of the spufs and choose an unused name for the new SPU context.
要在一个进程中使用SPU,用户需要具有对spufs的挂载点具有写权限,并要为这个新的 SPU 上下文选择一个尚未使用的名字。
In the General TAB, specify a name for a new connection, and choose the version of IDS that you are using.
Click the blog object, and then click New property; choose the property name name, and then type a name for your blog.
Choose a theme you like (I used Cupertino for the sample application), then click Download below the theme name.
More seriously, the name you choose for a DTO should clearly indicate what data it is returning.
If you want to avoid this problem altogether, choose a different name for your initiation queue that does not begin with SYSTEM.
When you create a DB2 instance, choose a user name and password appropriate for your needs.
在创建DB 2实例时,选择适合您需求的用户名和密码。
Therefore, choose a file name and location for the XML document (see Figure 15) as well as for the XML schema (see Figure 16).
因此,为XML文档(见图15)和 XML模式(见图16)选择一个文件名和位置。
Their study, published in the Evidence Based Medicine journal, suggests that having a name starting with the letters A to M is just as important as the picture you choose for an online dating profile.
Make sure to choose a new project name (for example, LoanPWS) in the window, then click Next to make sure the WSDL gets copied to the project.
Make sure to choose a new project name (for example, LoanPWS) in the window, then click Next to make sure the WSDL gets copied to the project.