Civil law is a value orientation affect the civil how to be a good safeguard civil rights law.
This historic civil rights law has improved the treatment of disabled people across the country.
It said Officer Wilson did not break federal civil rights law in a way that could be prosecuted. It didn't charge him.
I encourage Americans across our Nation to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of this civil rights law and the many contributions of individuals with disabilities.
With the Civil Code, China hopes to set up a country under the rule of law with better protection for civil rights.
A school or any other institution of education shall, in civil activities, enjoy civil rights and bear civil liabilities according to law.
He worked at a law firm renowned for its civil rights advocacy and its efforts to improve deprived neighbourhoods.
The whole purpose of this law should be to expand civil rights without shedding other protections in the process.
But to civil rights advocates — and some law enforcement officials — trying to raise money by charging inmates makes no sense.
An institution of higher learning has civil rights in accordance with law in civil activities and bears civil liability.
Many state statutes deal with property law matters such as landlord-tenant legislation, recording acts, civil rights statutes, and regulation of family property on divorce.
On the other hand, the contents of protecting consumer rights in the modern civil law does not went with the traditional civil action system, which goes against the protection of consumer.
In modern civil Law theory, persona and personal rights have different meaning and they get different status in the system of concept.
The general provisions will be guiding principles of the civil law and of great significance for protecting civil rights.
Provisions of civil law obligations, but also gives many rights of citizens, including one of the privacy rights of personality.
Civil priority is the kind of right that when many civil rights with different types in the same property become concurrent, the law directly regulates specific civil right to exercise in prior.
A higher education institution shall, in accordance with law, enjoy civil rights and bear civil liabilities in civil affairs.
And French civil law regards human reason as the foundation of persons while Germany civil law looks on capability of rights as the qualifications of persons in civil law.
The draft tort liability law is a basic law to protect people's civil rights and ensure they can get redress if their rights are harmed.
To solve the conflicts, it should build farmers collective member rights system on civil law.
He researched and wrote articles for a magazine, the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review.
他一边做研究一边为一家杂志,《哈佛公民权利- - -公民自由法律评论》撰写文章。
The civil public interest litigation ADAPTS to the requirement of rights security of modern civil law, and is a most important litigation security mechanism of the new civil rights.
"Legitimate interests" is an important concept in civil rights protection in the field of public law in Italy. It is a main cause to initiate litigations.
The second part is the nature of community rights and its status in the civil-law system.
The governor signed the bill into law yesterday It gives partners in civil union the same rights and benefits that spouses in a marriage enjoy.
The major states and regions of common law and civil law are provided for loss of rights system in order to solve the problem of litigation delay.
The major states and regions of common law and civil law are provided for loss of rights system in order to solve the problem of litigation delay.