A survey conducted earlier this year shows how this convergence on similar types of work has blurred class boundaries.
A survey conducted earlier this year by Experian for Liverpool Victoria, a financial-services firm, shows how this convergence on similar types of work has blurred class boundaries.
今年早些时候Experian公司为金融服务公司Liverpool Victoria所做的一项调查,显示出这种工作类型的趋同性对于模糊阶级界线所起的作用。
So when Clarence House relaxed their stun guns and let their future king propose to a 'commoner', Britain awoke in a postmodern-like daze where realities became relative and class boundaries blurred.
The Data Binding class implements a predefined interface and is configured as part of the Export or Import at the boundaries of an SCA application.
One of the reasons why this is usually the case is to do with class leakage across module boundaries.
The TaskBarrier class mentioned above was used by the fork/join framework to manage the boundaries between the various tasks, and merge their results; in other words: to join the tasks.
It is primarily through the definition of responsibilities that you can give a class "crisp boundaries," a clear definition of what it does, and does not, do.
Sadler's Wells is the UK's leading dance house, where world class choreographers, visual artists and musicians push the boundaries between performance art and traditional dance.
You could change the Dispenser class to save the updated counter value to a file, but that would lead to new problems because of the synchronization not being coordinated across process boundaries.
CT value was less than 50HU. Edge:the edge was more clear and irregular lobulation in 14 cases(67%) and round or class round in 7 cases(33%) with unclear boundaries.
CT value was less than 50HU. Edge:the edge was more clear and irregular lobulation in 14 cases(67%) and round or class round in 7 cases(33%) with unclear boundaries.