When I call this class definition, it calls init, init and I give it an x and a y value.
Often, it just doesn't make sense to include a zeroary constructor in a class definition.
You do not code a class definition for them, nor do you call a constructor to create them.
So in order to model cases in IBM FileNet, the sample asset USES a CaseFolder class definition.
If the class is already loaded, the class definition reopens the class, allowing me to make changes.
Verify that the target folder and target class definition are valid and exist on the target library.
The following class definition (Listing 1) demonstrates this method for defining trace and message loggers.
Listing 1 contains the class definition, some fields that will be used later on, and the initialize method.
This information is added to the sub-class definition representing that case type under the case folder.
The element contains the user-defined class definition the RPCAdapter will instantiate to invoke the method.
When a server entry is not in the OK state, it is shown in red, thanks to a class definition in the CSS file.
In Groovy, however, behavior can be defined within functions, which can be defined outside a class definition.
This DeclarativeMeta type is the magic that allows all of the actions to occur in one simple class definition.
First, leave the original class definition intact so that it can be found when existing instances are unpickled.
The noncopyable class definition presents no surprises, as the copy constructor and operator= are declared private.
noncopyable类定义没有什么令人感到新奇的地方,因为copyconstructor和operator= 声明为 private。
For an exercise in class definition, you'll use the caching factorial calculator of factorial.py, shown in Listing 4.
我们用高速缓存阶乘计算器factorial . py作为类定义的练习,如清单4所示。
Then, inside the generic class definition, the only constructors that could be called are those declared in the bound.
You do have to ensure that the code module containing the class definition is available in the unpickling environment.
The listing first reads in the required class definition files, and then loads and initializes an XJConf facade object.
清单 3首先读入需要的类定义文件,然后加载和初始化XJConffacade对象。
Let's take a look at a simple class definition to which we will add and remove attributes. Here is the initial definition.
Listing 1 shows the class definition and relevant method definitions for the PresenceMonitor Web service implementation class.
Note the implements keyword in the class definition where it's declared that this class implements the SensorListener interface.
注意类定义中的implements关键字,其中声明了该类实现Sensor Listener接口。
The searched-for class definition existed when the currently executing class was compiled, but the definition can no longer be found.
当目前执行的类已经编译,但是找不到它的定义时,会存在searched -for类定义。
The other notable line in this test is the class definition, which points to the template class, rather than one that you might create.
Finally, you'll see that all the previous listings explicitly load the class definition files, before parsing the XML definitions and data.
Before JPA 2.0, this semantic distinction was represented via corresponding class-level annotations in the persistent-class definition.
在JPA 2.0之前,这种语义区分是通过持久化类定义中的对应类级别注释来表示的。
After all the previously pickled instances have been updated and re-pickled, we can remove the _setstate_ method from the class definition.
更新和重新pickle先前进行过pickle的所有实例之后,现在可以从类定义中除去_ setstate _方法。
Or, put differently, you can define methods that aren't checked for correctness until they're incorporated into a trait-using class definition.
Taking a dynamic approach, you could create a bean to read the class definition from the stylesheet and then convert it to the proper HTML tags.
Clicking on the first triangle next to the comment preceding the class definition deletes the comment, replacing it with an ellipsis, as shown in Figure 3.