My knowledge of classical Chinese literature is limited.
In classical Chinese literature, the hero is essentially a bureaucrat.
Classical Chinese literature used to be classified into the elegant and the popular.
Gardening literature is an important literary genre of classical Chinese literature.
Sun Qiao is the top man of classical Chinese literature movement in late Tang Dynasty.
I guess you will choose Classical Chinese Literature as your optional course next semester, right?
Song Bainian, Ed. Classical Chinese Literature Abroad. Beijing: BeijingLanguages College Press, 1994.
Classical Chinese literature: an anthology of translations edited by John Minford and Joseph S. M. Lau.
I was more influenced by my uncle, also a businessman, who was fond of classical Chinese literature and painting.
Its appearance injected vigor and vitality into the classical Chinese literature and marked that the classical Chinese novel had reached its pinnacle.
Through the study of classical Chinese garden and classical Chinese literature history, we can find that every kind of literature form in every period can affect garden in different aspects.
She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc.
Chinese classical literature in the number of female image is the literary history of other nationalities.
Liuwei enjoys reading books related to philosophy, history and Chinese classical literature. He can discover boundless beauty inside these books.
The 20th century Chinese literature accomplished its transformation from "classical" to "modern", and from "old literature" to "new literature".
This thesis approaches the forming of the style theory about Chinese classical literature and attempts to excavate its origin.
These changes reveal the tendency of collaborating romantic situation with ordinary mood in the Chinese classical literature.
Du Fu and Xin Qiji are the typical world-worrying writers, whose poems add dignified connotation to tragic spirit, thus becoming the new peak in Chinese classical literature.
These images with children's lives characteristics and spiritual temperaments change the state that children's images lack in Chinese classical literature.
One of the basic aesthetical characteristics of Chinese classical literature is the pur - suit of an aesthetical realm of co-existence and harmony.
The Northern Dynasties' Epitaphs have very important literature value, high status and great significance in the field of Chinese classical bibliography research.
"Shihchi" the opening remarks have discussed wind of the words by the taste, this the formation which said to the Chinese classical literature taste has had the significant influence.
In Chinese classical literature, the literary pattern of integrating water with female characters can dates back to The Book of Songs which is the fountain-head of Chinese poetry.
This text is intended to explore how Wang has inherited the traditional Chinese classical poetry, if realized classical literature traditional modern conversion.
Although classical Chinese and classical literature have been strengthened in elementary education at present, classic culture is neglected and not raised to the height of cultural inheritance.
Although classical Chinese and classical literature have been strengthened in elementary education at present, classic culture is neglected and not raised to the height of cultural inheritance.