(Slightly more) functional classifier.
Listing 9 shows the refactored number classifier.
Listing 1 shows what a simple document classifier might look like.
Listing 1 shows the number classifier written in an imperative style.
When you click classifier, a list of available classifiers appears.
The first approach is a simple Map-Reduce-enabled Naive Bayes classifier.
第一种方法是使用简单的支持Map - Reduce的Naive Bayes分类器。
In fact, a Fragment can be defined at the UML classifier or diagram level.
That list contains the owned and inherited operations of the target classifier.
In fact, a classifier is a more general concept, which includes data types and interfaces.
This article also explains an easy method to set classifier-inherited operations for messages.
Back on the Add classifier screen, click on the underlined classifier that comes after Otherwise.
回到Addclassifier屏幕,单击o therwise后面加下划线的classifier。
The first type of rule you normally create is a classifier which will group users into classifications.
By setting classifier property to classes we define which artifact has to be chosen from the repository.
Previous versions of the sequence diagram editor allow you only to select classifier-owned operations.
In this rule, you will associate the classifier rule with the actions that you created in the previous steps.
In the To-Be version of the process, the classifier changed to show that the process now applies workflow.
To have the collection use the auto-classifier, it needs to be associated with the new text analysis engine.
"Provided interfaces" characterize requests to the classifier that its environment may make through the port.
Once I have extracted this class, I can refactor both the functional classifier and prime-number tester to use it.
Thus, to run Mahout's classifier, you need to first train the model and then use that model to classify new content.
Any classifier (class, component, and so on) may act as the consumer of a service, and that includes another service.
The binding rule: We will create the GetCustomerNews binding rule, which ties the classifier and action rules together.
A typical model that started as just requirements may also include structural classifier models that express interactions.
One of the methods in the number classifier performs a sum across all the gathered factors That method appears in Listing 1
数字分类器使用的方法之一是对所有聚集的因子执行合计,该方法如清单 1 所示
"Required interfaces" characterize the requests that may be made from the classifier to its environment through the port.
Classifier - Defines classifications that a user will be categorized within if given conditions hold true on user attributes.
分类器(Classifier) ?如果在用户属性上的给定条件为真,定义将在其中用来划分用户的分类。
Using the same test-driven development techniques, I created an alternate version of the classifier, which appears in Listing 2.
The collaboration is shown using the classifier notation (a partitioned rectangle), rather than the dashed ellipse notation.
What problem am I trying to solve? I need to make sure that my number classifier doesn't identify an imperfect number as perfect.
The Classifier rule: We will create the UserLevel classifier rule, which classifies the user based on the balance in theiraccount.
分类器规则:我们将创建UserLevel 分类器规则,它根据用户账户上的余额对用户进行分类。