We struggle to clear up misunderstanding, but our throat goes dry and the words found are not the ones meant.
Based on quantum mechanics, it mathematically explains the real meaning of the nodal surfaces and clear up the misunderstanding about nodal surfaces.
First and foremost, clear up any misunderstanding about how and why you left your last job with your ex-boss.
When you know that the other person has misunderstood what you say or what you want, clear up the misunderstanding in time. Do not pretend to not know about it and not clear things up.
So, to clear up the misunderstanding and understand each others real meaning, we must acquaint with or understand taboo words of color in across culture communication.
倘若我们有意无意地将中国的语言习惯或文化模式套用到英语上 ,就可能造成理解上的偏差 ,甚至南辕北辙 ,闹出笑话?。
So, to clear up the misunderstanding and understand each others real meaning, we must acquaint with or understand taboo words of color in across culture communication.
倘若我们有意无意地将中国的语言习惯或文化模式套用到英语上 ,就可能造成理解上的偏差 ,甚至南辕北辙 ,闹出笑话?。