The centre will act as a clearinghouse for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC).
PBS also plans to make PBS Video the clearinghouse for shows from local affiliates.
Some of the spokesmen noted that the bankers have expertise that helps the clearinghouse.
At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day.
The Microsoft IT strategy team provides a central clearinghouse for sales information with a 500-GB data mart.
With Citadel out of the picture, the Banks agreed to join the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's clearinghouse effort.
NIEM provides an IEPD clearinghouse that allows you to search for existing IEPDs submitted by other organizations.
The noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources.
These conditions gave the banks significant power at ICE’s clearinghouse, according to two people with knowledge of the deal.
These conditions gave the banks significant power at ICE's clearinghouse, according to two people with knowledge of the deal.
The U.S. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse offers these Suggestions for preventing eye problems if you're diabetic.
Anne Archer told me that the reputation of Katselas's class as, in Gordon's words, a "Scientology clearinghouse" is overblown.
The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps.
Action 3.3: Develop a clearinghouse of existing health protection strategies in Member States and make the information widely available.
Andrew gives an example of a clearinghouse for scientific problems and problem solvers, which posted descriptions of problems over the Web.
Only trademark holders who have registered their trademark with ICANN's trademark Clearinghouse may purchase domains during the Sunrise Period.
In the midst of the turmoil, regulators ordered Banks to speed up plans - long in the making - to set up a clearinghouse to handle derivatives trading.
The one new derivatives clearinghouse that has welcomed Newedge, bank of new York and the others - Nasdaq - has been avoided by the big derivatives Banks.
So the banks responded in the fall of 2008 by pairing with ICE, one of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s rivals, which was setting up its own clearinghouse.
银行在2008年秋天通过与ICE的合作做出回应。 ICE设有自己的清算所,是芝加哥商品交易所的竞争对手之一。
To do this, visit the clearinghouse Web site (see the link in Resources), and click Submit IEPD Information to get a form on which you can upload your IEPD.
为此,访问clearinghouse We b站点(参见参考资料中的链接),并单击SubmitIEPDInformation以得到一个窗体,在该窗体上可以上载IEPD。
So the banks responded in the fall of 2008 by pairing with ICE, one of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's rivals, which was setting up its own clearinghouse.
Once there is a centralised clearinghouse, starting in 2013, Kokkonen said these sort of problems will no longer be an issue: "We have to survive till 2013."
Bitcoin was developed as a secure and low-cost alternative to conventional electronic payment methods, such as credit CARDS and automated clearinghouse payments.
The Secretariat of Rotary International acts as a clearinghouse for Rotary clubs worldwide, gathering, analyzing, translating, and disseminating Rotary information.
Banks that have registered trademarks, you should make sure they are registered with ICANN's trademark Clearinghouse prior to May 1, 2015, when the Sunrise Period begins.
Many open source developers are familiar with, a clearinghouse community that hosts many thousands of projects - nearly a quarter of a million as of mid-2009.
By using the aggregation component as a clearinghouse for all data exchanges, your application is guaranteed to have the most recent context for all the values that it tracks.
These attacks are among the hundreds of online security breaches this year alone, compromising data of more than 22 million people, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
These attacks are among the hundreds of online security breaches this year alone, compromising data of more than 22 million people, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.