Client coordinates ensure that an application can use consistent coordinate values while drawing in a form or control, regardless of the position of the form or control on the screen.
So I simply need a new CoordListener implementation that publishes coordinate updates to any client browsers.
The JMS client can optionally control this transaction explicitly, such as to coordinate receiving a message from one queue with sending a message on another queue in the same messaging system.
You should coordinate the server frequency with the client frequency.
Listing 10 shows how the ReverseAjaxTracker responds to coordinate notifications, using them to generate calls to the client-side updateCoordinate function.
A SOAP client will read the SOAP structure from your WSDL file and coordinate with a SOAP server on the other end, so you must be very concerned with interoperability.
The QMS and EMS BUMs will coordinate regularly with Operations and Business Development to track the status for client upgrades to the 2015 version of the Standards.
Note that the page coordinate space has its origin at the upper-left corner of the client area; this will always be the case.
Effective communication and coordinate can help us get the correct information and serve the client property.
Prepare and coordinate the creation and validation of packaging materials for client orders according to requirements.
In all cases, the upper-left coordinate of the rectangle is included in the client area, while the lower-right coordinate is excluded.
Note that because the origin of the world coordinate space is at the upper-left corner of the client area, the page coordinates are the same as the world coordinates.
Note that because the origin of the world coordinate space is at the upper-left corner of the client area, the page coordinates are the same as the world coordinates.