Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decided to simplify.
After this you should summarise what you've presented and close with what I call "next steps".
Looking back on your day, you will find it hard to deny that a horseback Safari is as close as you will ever come to answering the call of the wild.
One thing is for certain—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!
If they call off Friday's attempt close to the planned launch time, it is likely another attempt will not be made until Sunday.
Finally she tells a family story I've never heard. A close relative in Mom's generation — let's call him "Uncle Henry" — once got so paranoid he landed in the Psych Ward.
Certain authors who come very close to being authority we call founders of discursivity, but even in their cases it's the nature of the discourse and not their existence as authors which is important.
Customer services and call centre workers follow close behind with 60 percent planning a new career, along with 43 percent of those in the finance industry.
A RETAIN Call Center APAR close code can be set to inform the user that their problem will be addressed in a certain upcoming product release.
Online travel company Expedia Inc. announced Wednesday it will close its Tacoma call center by the end of the year.
Applications can avoid this by utilizing the normal lifecycle notices they receive from the WebSphere container to explicitly call close on the ApplicationContext.
As the first decade of the 21st century comes to a close, what have we as a species done to help protect this planet we call home?
Call a close friend who you are comfortable with, or talk to a professional psychologist to help you get through the feelings of depression and pain.
Let my close call and his quick action serve to alert others to the importance of knowing the Heimlich method.
Still, he acknowledged that Toyota might overtake GM this year as the world's largest auto maker, though he said that the race remains too close to call.
You can continue to make gains ifyou call a few people who can help you close an important deal.
Lloyds TSB has also been able to close one of its 11 manned call centres, reaping “very attractive” cost savings, says Ms Jones-Evans.
The close system call closes or aborts any pending connections on the socket.
Current Encina Connector implementation does not keep any local data, and therefore a call to close method is an empty call.
Suppose a signal is generated during the very small time gap between setting the errno variable by the close system call and its return.
If the iPhone 4 drops nearly one additional call out of 100, that could be close to a 2 percent dropped-call rate - or double the dropped-call rate of the old iPhone.
From the system call count, there were several calls to read, write, close, and stat that didn't appear before.
eg.I had a close call on my way to work, A car hit my bike but I didn’t fall.
Figure 12 shows the important calls that occur when the close system call is issued by a TCP application.
“There are close to half a billion people living in what we call fragile states,” Sundberg says.
The international space station had a close call in late June, when an unidentified object came within 1, 100 feet but caused no damage; astronauts were preemptively evacuated to emergency spacecraft.
They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions "friends.
My father is still in hospital; his life is no longer in any danger, but it was a close call.
My father is still in hospital; his life is no longer in any danger, but it was a close call.