Disabled code highlighting due to browser incompatibilities.
If you're selling a text editor with code highlighting, don't label your customers as programmers.
In this file you can see code highlighting. Lines highlighted green were exercised in the test run, and lines highlighted red were not.
Thus, it provides core functionality such as syntax highlighting and basic code completion.
The integrated development environment (IDE) tool can provide many helpful features, such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactoring, and debugging.
集成开发环境 (IDE)工具可以提供大量有用功能,例如代码完成、语法突出显示、语法分析、重构和调试。
I've heavily commented the code, highlighting where I use EXSLT, as well as other useful notes.
Displays the code for the current stack frame, highlighting the line that is about to be executed.
Static in principle, dynamic when required: the mobl language is statically typed, enabling IDE features such as error highlighting, reference resolving and code completion.
TextMate, the most popular Ruby on Rails editor, provides syntax highlighting, some code completion, and good template support for frequently used constructs.
TextMate是最流行的Rubyon Rails编辑器,它提供了语法突出显示、代码完整性检查,以及一些频繁使用的结构的良好的模板支持。
There are also good extensions that you can get for highlighting code syntax in perl or bash if that is what you use.
还有一些用来突出显示perl或bash 中的代码语法的扩展。
For most development the Python-aware editor is what you will use (no code-folding, but nice syntax highlighting and code-completion).
在进行大多数的开发时您用的是Python - aware编辑器(不支持代码折叠,但是有优秀的语法高亮和代码补齐功能)。
It was a natural extension for us to provide smart code editing, completion, error highlighting and refactoring for this language.
It has good syntax highlighting (in lots of languages), several styles of code folding, and block indent/dedent.
Automatic code formatting, highlighting and styling.
JET2 Editor with syntax highlighting and code completion.
带语法强调和代码完成的JET2 editor。
FireRainbow is a simple Firebug extension that fills in a sorely desired function: code syntax highlighting.
Eclipse already includes source code for a very primitive XML editor that offers only XML syntax highlighting.
Microsoft recently published a case study highlighting the success of the migration of 950,000 lines of VB6 code to .NET.
RubyMine performs code analysis as code is typed, highlighting errors.
(used for highlighting) are easily written using the built-in style editor, which lets you test your code on the fly.
用这个有内置风格的编辑器很容易写样式表(用来做强调),这样你可以在(onthe fly ?)轻量集的测试你的代码。
Better source opens up the source code in a new TAB, USES line Numbers and color syntax highlighting.
When I was looking around for text editors with syntax highlighting, I have come across the Scintilla source code editing component.
It includes a visual query builder, an SQL editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, visual table and view designers and powerful import and export capabilities.
The featured full-color code syntax highlighting provides you with a visual reinforcement so you can see the various pieces and parts that make up each line and section of code for each language.
Enjoy full-featured batch files development environment with syntax highlighting, code tooltips and bookmarks.
This program allows you to edit plain text files and also source code files with highlighting support for dozens of programming languages.
It can also output the source code syntax highlighting for HTML or RTF files.
It can also output the source code syntax highlighting for HTML or RTF files.