Thus the breeding goals for cold tolerance were different on various rice cropping regions.
This suggests a new way of improving cold tolerance of plant by genetic engineering technique.
Therefore, a number of scientists have been regarded plant cold tolerance as an important research subject.
Cold tolerance at the seedling stage are one of important factors affecting the development of growth in rice.
Cold tolerance is a complex quantitative trait of plant which is a result of cooperation of many related genes.
The types of the 15 varieties might be considered into 6 types on the basis of their cold tolerance at booting stage.
As ectotherm animals, insects developed the cold tolerance mechanism adapting lower temperature during the evolution.
Several clones also showed satisfactory cold tolerance, pest and disease resistance, and trunk form and side branching.
"Now we understand how it works we can use this knowledge for crop improvement, for frost and cold tolerance," said the researcher.
Thus, Scientists are now accelerating the development and utilization of the germplasm source of cold tolerance (abbr. CT) in rice.
The transcription factor gene RCBF4 can be used for plant transformation so as to improve cold tolerance and hyperhaline resistance.
该转录因子基因rcbf 4能用于植物转化,提高植物的耐冷和耐高盐的能力。
Therefore it would be very important to improve the cold tolerance of Yunnan varieties in order to stabilize and improve their eating quality.
Through correlation analysis, soluble protein, praline and MDA content were significantly correlated with their cold tolerance in seeding stage.
Tomato fruits treated by different concentrations ethephon and 1-MCP were measured to reveal cold tolerance of tomato fruits induced by ethylene.
The proportion of the membrane fatty acids in leaves indicated that there were genetic differences of cold tolerance among the varieties and it cou…
Ultimately some elite families and trees with rapid growth, good cold tolerance and good wood properties were selected by a comprehensive index method.
Understanding the mechanism of CBF in cold tolerance will provide a new strategy for improvement of plant cold tolerance and breeding of cold-tolerant plant.
Screened leaf age and MDA content identification indexes of cold tolerance in seeding stage, photosynthetic rate and SOD activity were screened in flowering stage.
The cold tolerance and the physiological change under low-temperature of selected Guizhou local cold-tolerant rice varieties during their flowering stage were identified.
The technology of non pregermination and direct seeding of early rice has good growing charactristics such as high capability of cold tolerance and high rate of seedling.
The germplasms of cold tolerance were not only widely existed on tropic, subtropic and temperature zone, but also difference with cold tolerance among plants of one landrace.
In this study, the photosynthetic efficiency, yield, and cold tolerance of selected cucumber cultivars were evaluated by means of estimating injury rate of cucumber cell membrane.
Signal transduction, gene regulation, genetics, metabolomics, and climate change affecting the plant survival are important aspects in the future study of cold tolerance in plants.
These results will serve as important references useful to rice breeding for cold tolerance and provide scientific basis for the farm extension of some cold tolerant rice varieties idntified.
A major gene was found to control cold tolerance in Kunming Xiaobaigu. Cold acclimation is presumed to be one of the approaches by which rice genotypes may acquire cold tolerance at the booting stage.
It is applying similar techniques to those used by Ceres to speed up the growth of these trees and to increase their tolerance of cold.
Humor with intellect and tolerance, cold sneer brings understanding and unkind.
Cold water immersion has been linked to increased tolerance to stress, a stronger immune system, increased fat burning, and anti-depressant effects.
Cold water immersion has been linked to increased tolerance to stress, a stronger immune system, increased fat burning, and anti-depressant effects.