And at the end, a Czech collator is used.
The code in Listing 4 shows how you can sort an array of Czech words differently based on the locale used for the collator.
Cards can be orderly collected in some quantity by electronic card collator, and stably transported onto conveyor belt.
This collator ensures all characters, supplementary and non-supplementary, have the same binary collating sequence as UTF-8.
Sized eight (854), frequency of Scholars, notes Collator, Ren Nanling County main book, has been promoted to martial magistrate.
It directly controls up to 40 tower collator bins from the PC interface and will allow the operator to select bin and feed sequence.
Liao well and who pay the state. Scholars element and the first eleven years, renamed the Tour of state, Official Collator. Write a poem.
However, if you sort the same words using a collator created for English, words are sorted as if accents were ignored - desired behavior if you have few foreign words in English text.
Luckily, the intl library provides the collator class (and shadow functions with names starting with collator_), which you can use to compare and sort strings with respect to your selected locale.
所幸的是,intl库提供了collator类(以及名字以collator _开头的影子函数),可用来根据特定的locale对比和排序字符串。
This stylesheet is virtually identical to the first stylesheet; the main difference here is that you use a different custom collator. Here's the fragment of the stylesheet that invokes the Java class.
This stylesheet is virtually identical to the first stylesheet; the main difference here is that you use a different custom collator. Here's the fragment of the stylesheet that invokes the Java class.