Tellico - This KDE app comes with handy templates for managing your book, wine, video game, coin, or stamp collection.
He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.
The collection and of postage stamps, postmarks, and related materials stamp collecting.
Jim wouldn't exchange his stamp collection for anything.
Using a pencil, trace your stencils and use an x-acto knife to slowly cut out the design. or, we used our rubber stamp collection to stamp on the bags in white, let dry and cut around the stamp.
用铅笔描出你的模板图样,然后用X - ACTO笔刀慢慢地把图样切出或者,可以用橡皮章在袋子上印出白色图样,干燥后再切割。
The collection and study of postage stamps, postmarks, and related materials; stamp collecting.
He derived great satisfaction from his stamp collection.
Traditional services include letter service which is the sole business of the posts, parcel service, newspaper distribution, international postal services and stamp collection service.
Terry: I see. I thought you had switched your hobby of stamp collection to fitness.
Stamp all documents and the collection envelope when issuing the same and collect the relevant copies in the collection envelop.
Now he's grown up he no longer takes any interest in his stamp collection: he's lost all interest in it.
他已经长大了, 对集邮不再感兴趣了,完全失去了兴趣了。
The time stamp corresponds to the most recent time that every warehouse adapter job that is scheduled for completion, for every project collection, successfully completed processing.
The more stamps I have, the more interested I'm in stamp collection.
The plum ZhenCangCe stamps with chamomile leaf painting "is a book of art and stamp collection draw veins, and appreciation for the integration of decorous culture gift books."
In 2010, Pos Malaysia issued a stamp collection featuring the Upin and Ipin cartoon series using the glitter sticker technique, the first in Asia with perforations.
My son was interested in the stamp collection very much at first but then he went off it.
Yes, I'm collecting stamps now. And I've got a good stamp collection. Have you any special interests besides study.
I do well in playing computer and also I am interested in learning English. My favorite are sports, stamp collection and music.
The commemorative collection was created by Toronto-based Canadian graphic designer Paul Haslip. The new stamps include one domestic stamp and one international stamp.
The young beginner of a stamp collection may do better with a printed album, with one or more papers set aside for each country and squares marked out for placing the stamps.
I thought you had switched your hobby of stamp collection to fitness.
Tom likes to show off his stamp collection to his classmates.
Tom likes to show off his stamp collection to his classmates.