The real space race is whether we will colonise off Earth on to other worlds before money for the space programme runs out.
It will gradually colonise more devices.
Seaweeds and corals, which need light to grow, colonise them.
When he set foot on the Moon in July 1969, it seemed as if humanity would soon colonise other worlds.
Fossils of the oldest plants ever to colonise land have been discovered in Argentina, scientists claim.
Babies get their first exposure to bacteria that colonise their guts as they travel down the birth canal.
Another area of research is the process by which these helpful bacteria first colonise the digestive tract.
And they hope that, by turning over dealers quickly, they will make it hard for them to colonise territory to fight over.
This means that they arrive 'alive' in the intestine where they are able to colonise and exert their beneficial actions.
As Asian companies began to conquer global markets in the 1970s, so Japanese businesses started to colonise the Piccadilly boards.
Residents of Russia's far east fear that China is planning to plunder their oil and timber and perhaps even to colonise their empty spaces.
The oil leaked into sea or river may cause colonise of living things in sea or river fall and die. And its sulfide may cause corrosion to the body of a ship.
They collect ast amounts of sequence fragments, which contain genetic information of thousands of species forming communities that colonise a certain habitat.
They collect vast amounts of sequence fragments, which contain genetic information of thousands of species forming communities that colonise a certain habitat.
But a buried carcass is not going to stay fresh for very long, and the bacterial communities that colonise it are likely to threaten the beetle's developing larvae.
The whole thing will be capped off with the largest contest yet seen of "The Settlers of Catan", in which 1,000 people will compete to colonise a fictional wilderness.
The Clovis people were believed to be the first to colonise North America after emigrating from Asia, and are said to be the ancestors of all present day Native American tribes.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the Austronesians migrated their way through Papua New Guinea to colonise the Pacific. They probably started off in little bamboo craft, like this.
"We were interested whether behavioural flexibility can increase the chance of a given species to successfully colonise cities," explained evolutionary biology expert Dr Alexei Maklakov.
"We were interested whether behavioural flexibility can increase the chance of a given species to successfully colonise cities," explained evolutionary biology expert Dr Alexei Maklakov.