White wines can be described by thinking about a color spectrum.
The push pin color scheme shows population densities based on the color spectrum.
The color spectrum varies with one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
Sergio: He invented calculus, the reflecting telescope, color spectrum, and the laws of motion.
The evil Minions are purple because purple & yellow are an opposite sides of the color spectrum.
Both Czech and Swarovski produce these stones, but Swarovski has a broader color spectrum of choice.
Change the hue color by clicking on the desired color in the large color spectrum area to the right.
The rationality of color spectrum files is an important factor to ensure the quality and resolution of geophysical images.
Fortunately these 128 combinations still function even though we now have a much wider color spectrum evocable via the HTML codes.
I saw very bright colors, brighter than is what in our color spectrum and richer than neon, dance in lines and waves around my room.
If there is one big no-no in graphic design, it is using complex geometrical shapes with a full color spectrum to create a logo.
Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light frequencies. The color spectrum varies with ones physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
This paper expounds and evaluates the methods of choice and determination of color swatches in accordance with designing process color spectrum of special topic maps.
Afterwards, Hurlbert and colleagues plotted the results along the color spectrum and found that while men prefer blue, women gravitate towards the pinker end of the blue spectrum.
They conclude that molecular changes during fossilization likely pushed the beetles' coloring toward the red end of the color spectrum, turning a normally yellow beetle more orange, for example.
With the multiple color changes, the color transformations need to be scripted so that they move through the spectrum in the correct order.
The WMAP team used computer programs to find the proportion of wave sizes generating the sound spectrum, just as a prism converts light wavelengths to color.
Different languages vary both in the number of basic color distinctions they make (ranging anywhere from two to over twenty) and in the ways they draw those distinctions on the spectrum.
The 500 Cabrio with its feminine lines, broad-spectrum color palate, designer interior, and minimal functionality is the ultimate fashion car.
敞篷版500 Cabrio具有柔性线条,丰富的车身颜色选择,颇具设计感的内饰以及低实用性,绝对是一辆不折不扣的时尚汽车。
Indeed they now span almost every color and hue of the visible spectrum.
In the visible spectrum, different wavelengths of stimulation can lead to a different color perception.
ANGLE White: White angel is a spectrum of all colors including the color of light, Generally considered to be "colorless" and symbol bright and clean, fun, simple, elegant and chastity.
As the three primary colors that sum to form white light, they can combine in proportion to create most any color in the visible spectrum.
Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors.
Color is a visual portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Analysis by thin layer chromatography, original spot hydrolyzed-ninhydrin color, infrared spectrum indicated that the biosurfactant of metabolite after culturing of the strain was lipopeptide.
With both warm and cool undertones, Turquoise pairs nicely with any other color in the spectrum.
Conclusion: The color Doppler flow spectrum have high applicated value in early diagnosis of small mammary cancer.
Conclusion: The color Doppler flow spectrum have high applicated value in early diagnosis of small mammary cancer.