It is therefore important to seek medical advice to determine which type of colour vision deficiency is present.
However, until now it wasn't known whether the bees' full colour vision was able to keep up with their high speed flight.
Doctors spent nearly 10 years training the monkeys to take colour vision tests, which were used to assess how well they responded to the treatment.
The colour blindness in the monkeys arises because full colour vision requires two versions of the opsin gene, which is carried on the X chromosome.
Just as some people are born colour-blind, or lose colour vision after a brain injury, others are "number-blind" : unable to comprehend what everyone else sees effortlessly.
The warm and generous feelings of Nelson Mandela's time have receded, and Mr Mbeki has failed to paint a vision to inspire South Africans of every creed and colour.
曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的时代给人温暖慷慨之感,这种感受已减退,姆贝基没能描绘出一幅愿景激励各个宗派与肤色的南非人。
Two squirrel monkeys that were colour-blind from birth have had their vision restored after receiving gene therapy.
Colour is decorated indoors in very important, it is human vision in most canorous language symbol.
Although the smallpox is very simple, but with the colour collocation foil the introduction of feeling and vision.
She made a presentation about the trend and colour forecasting "Future Vision" and is divided into 3 trend stories: Personal sanctuary, Spectral, and Smart organic.
The colour used in literature shows the same great aesthetic power as the colour used in painting as soon as writers put colour which is taken as meaningful artistic semiotic into the literary vision.
They are able to see colour in the dark with their vision system, which consists of large cones in their retinas which are hundreds of times more sensitive than humans'.
Caused by the deterioration of the macular - the tiny part of the retina responsible for picking up colour and fine detail - macular degeneration affects the vision of more than half of over-75s.
Field of vision is not only the colour white and black, between black and white there is a long grey areas.
A light sensitive organ of vision that can distinguish minute variations of shape, colour, brightness and distance.
The whole presentation of vision is from different colour and bright degree. The outline line which can define shape is deduced by eye distinguishing some areas in different bright degree and colour.
Product DescriptionMagnum photographer Martin Parr 's vision of contemporary England in 100 colour photographs.
Cones can differentiate between the different wavelengths of light and therefore enable us to see in colour while the more sensitive Rods only give us black and white vision.
The film is his last testament as a film-maker, and consists of a single shot of saturated blue colour filling the screen, as background to a soundtrack where Jarman describes his life and vision.
The film is his last testament as a film-maker, and consists of a single shot of saturated blue colour filling the screen, as background to a soundtrack where Jarman describes his life and vision.