Cols: Number of columns be displayed for a SimpleTextarea.
You need to transform the cols attribute into this markup
需要将 cols属性转换成以下标记
The hot magma, or lava as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth.
To determine the current number of columns or the width that you can use on the target device, you use the cols option.
After passing through several cols, my friend said pointing to a three- storied house amidst the maple trees, "here we are."
Once you've handled the columns, you simply invoke the XSLT templates for all the elements inside the table. This XSLT template handles cols that look like this.
This article briefs the broad-band wireless access system, and systematically details the IEEE standard 802.16.1by giving its system model, air interface proto-cols of MAC and PHY layer.
To handle each row element, apply templates in process-cols mode, which loops over all the col-spec elements and again USES dyn: evaluate to compute the text that is output for each column.
为处理每一个行元素,以process - cols模式来应用模板,该模板循环遍历所有的col - spec元素,尔后使用dyn:evaluate计算输出到每一列的文本。
While the origin of Min-nan painting style centrally highlights their regional persistence. From the facsimile of ancient dwellings to sketch of Tulou (earth buildings), cols, trees and flowers;
While the origin of Min-nan painting style centrally highlights their regional persistence. From the facsimile of ancient dwellings to sketch of Tulou (earth buildings), cols, trees and flowers;