After the meal, don't leave at once, or it seems that you come only for dinner.
Miss Sophy Jackson has just been here. She brought word that her brother would come in after dinner: she couldn't say very much, because he forbade her to: he wishes to give all the details himself.
After that, he says, she seemed to text all the time - when he'd come home from his evening shift for dinner, when they were cruising the shopping mall.
When they go out to the family said "I'm going out, " go home to say "come back to me", after dinner to say "I eat", "full", "delicious".
After dinner, out of a turn, come back have to shower, and then my father urged me to go to bed early, to greet the new day.
I really think highly of him to come up with the nerve to ask the girl for dinner again after being rejected for a hundred times.
Besides, reasoned woman, as boss, man won't come home dead tired, and might be worth something after dinner...
After dinner come to my home. I'll tell you how to improve oral English quickly.
After dinner, some small groups of older people will come away from their home to a garden or near a large open space of the street.
After working for 12 hours without a break, I was in no mood to come home and make dinner, so we went to a restaurant instead.
There are evening meal, people who work outside the home have to come back happy. After dinner, people lit lanterns, usually red lanterns round. The children will happily play their toy lanterns.
Once Newton invited a friend to a dinner at home. when they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine. but after his friend had waited for a long time, Newton still didn't come back.
After dinner, go out to a circle, come back to have to shower, and then a reminder on my father, and to greet the new day.
Studied 34 hours. After dinner, go out to a circle, come back to have to shower, and then a reminder on my father, and to greet the new day. Hey, the day passed so vague.
Studied 34 hours. After dinner, go out to a circle, come back to have to shower, and then a reminder on my father, and to greet the new day. Hey, the day passed so vague.