Do I come in on the upbeat or the downbeat?
When the user draws a stroke, the stylus points come in on the pen thread.
If you are not going to come in on friday, don't bother showing up on monday.
Lots of people come in on Mondays just to get our beef potpie. Or how about the oyster stew?
That is why successful SaaS applications are usually projects that come in on time and under budget.
I can only offer you a humble position, but it's often to your advantage to come in on the ground floor.
I've come in on my own time as well because I really want to get myself fit for the start of the season.
You can't expect your workers to come in on time, stay organized and prioritize their tasks if you don't do the same.
I agreed to come in on the weekend and print the visamyself to give it to her so she could fly to America to see her husband in thehospital.
Friends are always for you shelter from the storm, if you take the snow in the distance, but I can not, I will pray for those who come in on me snow.
Cast your vote for the person you believe will do the best job, and have fun watching the results come in on election night to see if your candidate is the winner.
All events come in on this single queue, are processed, and go to a single action queue. This configuration requires an external broker to route the action to its ultimate destination.
Servlet containers maintain no affinity between threads and sessions; the next request to come in on a given session will likely be serviced by a different thread than the current request.
However, Cmar says that as transportation into the country has become more advanced, more invasive species have come in on boats and planes, thus worsening the problems posed to ecosystems.
Without a doubt, each of the small decisions you make in this realm can make a big impact on your health in the years to come.
The system was launched on "Baby Come Home" in March and contains thousands of pictures of missing children across the country.
They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, "Geez, if it could happen to him, …".
Let's come to the first issue on our list which is keeping pace with developments in technology.
The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it's as important to be "successful" in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.
In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top.
It is reported that a space station will be built on the moon in years to come.
On Thursday we usually arrange a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.
The pollutants in the ponds appear to come from fish that fulmars eat when they're out on the ocean.
In tonight's Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some inspiration on a budget.
We're here in the tourist information centre, and when you come out of the centre, you're on Willow Lane, just opposite the pond.
As a recently published paper shows, the process of urbanization will only accelerate in the decades to come—with an enormous impact on biodiversity and potentially on climate change.
On a sudden, she heard a fluttering and croaking in the air, and the dwarf said, "Here come my masters."
On a sudden, she heard a fluttering and croaking in the air, and the dwarf said, "Here come my masters."