Beginning on the date of assumption of control, the organization assuming control shall exercise the powers of operation and management of the commercial bank.
We expect that performance testing will take place early next year and we anticipate no impact on the target date of 2013 for commercial operation of the first unit at Sanmen.
We expect that performance testing will take place early next year, and we anticipate no impact on the target date of 2013 for commercial operation of the first unit at Sanmen.
我们期望性能测试将于明年年初进行,而且我们预计对2013年三门一号机的商业运转日期没有影响。”。 e;k:h2 r。
We expect that performance testing will take place early next year, and we anticipate no impact on the target date of 2013 for commercial operation of the first unit at Sanmen.
我们期望性能测试将于明年年初进行,而且我们预计对2013年三门一号机的商业运转日期没有影响。”。 e;k:h2 r。